seriously Tex? you can disqualify a map before it it even posted ( and may not have interlocking then)
Yeah, I remember. I helped judge. Although, I might interlock two walls outside of foundry to spite you, lol. When Its finished, I'll go through and make sure nothing is awesome.
That is the best idea ever. I'm gonna have to decide on either doing an epic snealy merge, or try to win.
tex i have two questions, 1-if I have a box, with four shield doors on top of it, then with another box on top of that, is that considered interlocking, because you can go right through those, 2-say we interlocking something, and hide it really well, (just to spite you) and it doesnt make a differance in the map, just to say -HA- when its all over, but accidently win, are we eliminated, and have our pride taken away>?
1. Re-read the rules. (It's in the fiiiiiirst rule) 2. If you do it to spite me, and I catch you. You will not only be disqualified from this one, but you can consider yourself disqualified in future events.
ha maybe ill just make my map with no interlocking then... and i did re-read them, im still not sure if thats interlocking, like in blaze's map martyrdom, with the shield door things,?
That goes to everyone btw *cough*linou*cough* If I catch any "haha" interlocking, you will be banned from future LMC's.
Read the rules >:| I just went over this. It's obvious to me, that you guys aren't reading the rules, considering it is rule #1.
Sorry Tex, just wanted to make sure, and gratz and mod and please don't say mines been interlocked at the beginning. You'll understand why I say that when you judge mine.
No worries. Though, I do know what it means to have something interlocked, it's as easy as going into forge real quick, picking an item up, and seeing if it freaks out.
okay, that last comment, about it going crazy helps, cas i tried it out with the shield dorrs and they don't i just didnt wanna get my map banned, cas it seems pretty good so far, Question-when this is over, we can remake it with interlcoking, even if it wins something, and re post it, just in cas our map is epic...right?
This part confuses me, can you please rephrase it? Absolutely, I am all for people re-doing their maps, with interlocking, this is just a way to show that maps can be good without it.