Soccer Ball Run

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by RaVNzCRoFT, Aug 2, 2008.

  1. RaVNzCRoFT

    RaVNzCRoFT Ancient
    Senior Member

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    [aname=title]Soccer Ball Run[/aname]
    By RaVNzCRoFT

    Download Map
    Download Gametype

    [jumpto=gametype]Click here for gametype description[/jumpto]

    * Gametype is not needed but recommended *

    I introduce to you Soccer Ball Run, a new and exciting casual game to play with any number of players. I created this map in the beginning of May, I believe, and have not altered it since. I also posted it on in May, although I never really publicized it. This is not my first map in Forge nor my last, but it is my first map to be posted to ForgeHub. I was fairly new to forging back then, so that explains why there are no interlocked objects, but I assure you this map is extremely professional and well-made.

    Soccer Ball Run is best described as an enclosed, boxy "figure-eight," like the square number 8 on a digital alarm clock. There are two halves to the map, A and B, which join together in the middle at the shield doors. The map is designed for Slayer. Team Slayer, I suppose, would work; however, I've only ever played free-for-all Slayer. The map is enclosed with double boxes all around and double walls overhead, thus getting out of the map is not possible. At every corner of the figure-eight is a man cannon that shoots players around the map horizontally, rather than up. Once gameplay has elapsed 10 seconds, soccer balls will spawn at every other corner of the figure-eight (4 total), at the man cannons. The man cannons shoot the soccer balls down each hallway and into the next man cannon. They travel in continuous circles and do not stop unless a player or grenade interferes. If the soccer balls manage to stop rolling and sit idle, they will respawn shortly. However, in the frenzy that is this game, there is so much action that the soccer balls will likely be pushed into a man cannon and back on course. The idea is that the soccer balls help create chaos as the Slayer game takes place, taking down players' shields or just killing them completely. As a result, suicides, "kills by the Guardians," deaths from the grave, splatter kills, and "other" kills are common occurrences. Did I mention the gametype I designed for this map (although it is not mandatory) includes grenade regeneration? Hehehe...

    This game is extremely hectic and fun with any number of players; 2-16. Please note that I was limited on time when I took these screenshots and that the screenshots do not nearly do justice for the map. You can only get the full experience by downloading the map and playing it with a party.

    [aname=gametype]Recommended gametype description:[/aname]

    • Free-for-all Slayer
    • Primary weapon: BR
    • Secondary weapon: AR
    • Grenade regeneration


    Map diagram:

    Map overview (you can see that despite the lack of interlocking, it's still very neat):




    What are you waiting for?

    [jumpto=title]Click here to download Soccer Ball Run now![/jumpto]

    I hope you enjoy my first publicized map!


    #1 RaVNzCRoFT, Aug 2, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2008
  2. Zachary9990

    Zachary9990 Ancient
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    This is the coolest thing ever. I like the idea of the soccerballs as just an obstacle and the grenade regeneration. 5/5
  3. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    So basic, but it sounds really fun. Although I am concerned that 4 balls may be too hectic. I'm sure it is great fun. (originality- 3.5/5) (aesthetics- 3/5) (playability- 4/5) Total= 10.5/15 good job- could use some fine tuning though.
  4. stone0043

    stone0043 Ancient
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    i disagree with masterjelly, i give this 5/5 for creativity. this is a great idea, and looks like a ton of fun to play.
  5. RaVNzCRoFT

    RaVNzCRoFT Ancient
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    Thanks for all the great comments so far!

    masterjelly7, be aware that the soccer balls cannot cross the shield doors, so each "half" of the map has exactly two soccer balls at all times.

    Keep the comments coming! I'm glad you seem to like it so far.
    #5 RaVNzCRoFT, Aug 2, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2008
  6. InferiorPigeon

    InferiorPigeon Ancient
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    wow, i have never seen anything like this before
    not only can you actually play slayer on the map, but at the same time you have guardians hunting you down!
    great idea, keep 'em coming!
  7. Alien Emperor

    Alien Emperor Ancient
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    Lol, this looks cool and funny!
    5/5 for creativity
    5/5 for not doing interlocking (oh how I hate it)
    5/5 overall Well done!

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