Chasam Facillity00870 The down under download at the bottom By Sgt.Pepper (gt SantaClause638) and Killnon2 Chasam 10 years after the covenant human war, the earth and its colonies are falling apart. Civil war is destroying all the city's of all the 3 major groups, The 2 mercenary groups-the scorpians and the hogs,-and the marine group. The 2 mercenary groups trying to top each other heard rumors about a nuclear missle that could easily take out the others, HQ. Both mercenary groups go to a canyon with a waterall to explore the facillity they, both engage in combat to drive the out of the area. Map description: This map was created in about 18 hours of work Killnon2 and I worked very hard on the bases, the waterfall and the bridge, the destroyable bridge, and more. This map was originally going to be a diffrent map from the map pack but when were makeing the bases we decided to make not make it mlg. But it is kind of mlg style bases. NOW FOR SOME SCREENS OF CHASAM: 1 side overveiw 2 side overveiw one of the 2 mini bases (going in farist to closest) waterfall, man bridge, destroyable vehicle bridge. Facillity00870 The scorpians, after winning the fierce battle at the chasam, find a secret entrance into a facillity, Facillity00870. Little did the unsuspecting mercs know, there was a marine task froce there ready to beat kill them. Description: This is proably the worst of the map pack but its still pretty good, it has a missile that the Scorpians and Hogs were looking for is the main feature of this map. Now For some screesn of Facillity00870 the armory and the workroom the attakcker spawn The mess hall The Barracks The Missle Command and Missle [/URL The Down Under The scorpians while they were trying to figure out how to activate it find out that there is a launch code needed to launch the missle. The mercenaries then head to the area only to find out that the codes were heavily defended. Description: The only structure pretty much is the bunker and all the cover the bunker is really cool. So if the attackers win they get the missle codes and destroy the marines and the hogs, and take over the world. If the defenders win then they kill the scorpians and make peace with the hogs and civil war stopped. The scorpians are equiped with a reg. warthog, gauss, and 2 gooses. play with CODES game variant. Now for some screens: Overveiw scorpian spawn entrance to bunker [/ Bottom floor: One of the two left and right windows The top of the bunker and flag spawn The turret of the bunker The secret entrance I hope you enjoy this map pack here are the dl links Slayer is compatiable with all maps and CTF is compat. with Chasam and The Down Under (1 sided with the down under)Codes is a 1 side ctf, 3 captures 10 min, 3 captures because the scorpians forget 2 other parts of it after the first part. Download Chasam Here Download Facillity00870 here Download The down Under Here Download CODES here PLEASE DOWNLOAD AND ENJOY
Chasam looks pretty fun but the others, not so much (to me at least). Good storyline too. Chasam: 4.7/5 Facillity 00870: 3/5 The Down Under: 3/5 I can't help that i like waterfalls...
The maps aren't too good, try adding some cover to the maps, and your weapon placement and spawn placement are kind of bad, so don't throw all te weapons, equipment, and spawns in a corner in Competitive.
Only good map I saw was the first one, the second one had a good aesthetic feature and I give you credit for that. The third did not look fun or good at all.
it looks iffy. theres no interlocking or geomerging. its not that aesthetically beautiful. 7/10 overall. could be improved.
the frst maps looks pretty decent, and the last one has to much of open area by my thought. good job with the mpa pack though 6/10
are you kidding me? there is plenty of it! the first map is interlocked a lot! i spent a long time interlocking the first map!
last the last one was the best in my opion, the others did not seem so good and lokked boring. I love the bunkers though. 4/5
ok i just need to say that on the last map, 4 shotguns for derense + long narrow hallway = epic fail! there will be immense camping and no fun for offensive team. IMO.
im sorry to say, but the maps aren't that great, i mean yea you interlocked and all good job for wayching a youtube video but they didnt include alot of thought or my opinion time. I would enhance the maps gameplay by add geomerged objects and possibly jumps and if neccesary weapons. 2/5 4/5 3/5