**UPDATE** The Links Are Working Now. The Core Created by Nagel Meister Supported Gametypes: Infiltration (Multi-CTF gametype) Map Description This is very fun to play with 4v4 or 8v8. Its a Multi-CTF game. 2 Teams only. BR primary and AR secondary. There is equipment placed around the map and a few grenades also.I did some changes(not very big changes) in the map. So now its better gameplay. _________________________________________________ Base A Base B Blue Flag Side Red Flag Side _________________________________________________ Please download and give feedback. Download Gametype Download Map
This looks like it would be fun, but my only detterent is that it looks offly simple. I like simple good maps, but I like maps that make you forget the area is foundry more. I'm sorry to be a downer, but I'll have to think about not DLing. I will give you props for your idea though, looks fun, just not astheticallty pleasing.
well me and my friends were playing around in forge and put a wall down the middle then put flag spawns on each side and played it and it was extremly fun. So i decided to remake it with more stuff in it. EDIT*** I didn't notice some things so i will be making an update on it.
simple map but maybe fun as hell! i will download and play it with my friends tonight , keep up the good work!
i think its too open, you could deff add more to it, like a little hill for a base or something. aesthenics can be improved too though, the maps not bad. BTw-i like your name in the spawn points
yeah this looks really really simple, but it still looks fun to play on. ill proably dl and check out