Name: Omicron Size: Small; 2-4 Players Symetry: Symetrical Gametypes Supported: FFA Slayer, Team Slayer (Doubles), KotH, OddBall Forgers: Ellipsis NZ, Entropy NZ Time to make make Map: 14 hours Frequent Interlocking was used, but no Geo-Merging, as we Didn't see a need for it in this perticular map. While the map is small, it provides a great arena for high octane BR battles and a great oppotunity to get some no scoping pratice in, with a sniper rifle as the key power weapon in the map. Weapon/Clips/Respawn/# Battle Rifle/2/30/6 SMG/1/60/2 Plasma Rifle/*/60/2 Plasma Pistol/*/120/1 Mauler/0/120/1 Sniper Rifle/0/120/1 All Grenades are on 30 sec respawns. Pictures: Overview of the Map Sniper Spawn (Top Midle) Overview 2 Red Side Blue Side This is our first map post on ForgeHub, and we love the work that we've seen done here, as well as the feedback that is posted on the maps. Please take the time to download and enjoy.
It seems a little open to me but otherwise great job. But the design is'nt very original. 3.5/5 keep forging.
Yep Nice...Err 4/5 STARS!! lol The Sturcture in the middle is nice. And you've put the Snipe there which is the best gun ( that or BR ) Its that shows skill well done...
Reminds me of alot of other maps, center base with the side bases. Nothing new here, just shows us a bit of your forging skills with the interlocking and what not, congrats on finishing the map, but i suggest a more unique idea next time, thats all
looks kinda like one of the mlg maps. I dont think theres enough 'detail' to it, just some boxes in a square with a bit in the middle. BUT, it is nicely put together with the lifts and all
with the huge amount of grav lifts etc you might want to test to see if the map is outable and adjust it
This map reminds me of some MLG mpas I have seen. Just add a little more cover and you're there! I think that the man cannon is a little too powerful for a boost but that can be easily changed. I like that you have not put in to many power weapons and for the weapons that you have used, the layout and respawn times looks fine.
first thing first. "no Geo-Merging, as we Didn't see a need for it in this perticular map?" YOU MUST HAVE GEO-MERGING HERE'S YOUR RATING -12238721849/5. Geo-merging not needed; hah.
From what i can see it looks pretty fun and it's great that there is interlocking. And also i see know major flaws that my take away from gameplay except the fact that all you have to do is grenade jump out or "buddy jump" out. Which then the game can get pretty boring. (yes i see that it has already be posted just stating it again)
this map is a very good map! the interlocking is great and the gameplay is also very good! i would suggest getting rid of the middle sniper and put in like a mauler
Well, this would definitely deserve a 4/5 if you had built the outer wall higher. You could grenade jump out if you wanted to (which i know people will) and you seem to have enough objects to fix it. 3/5.
looks pretty good with decent interlocking, great first post. MLG maps dont usually contain mancannons though haha, also; how do you get to the sniper in the middle platform?
Hey, I'm Entropy, one of the designers. We just finished the V1.1 map, with more cover, double hight walls and a few other minor tweaks. Brute-Shot has replaced Mauler, as the map lacks the enclosed spaces for the mauler to see it's full potential. Thanks for the feedback, everything that's been said has been taken into account and fixed, and the map is a lot better for it. Like i said, a few other changes, and I'll get the new map posted up ASAP.
Nice map man, symmetrical in all ways=] The structure in the middle isnt too pleasing to the eye but in game play its quite swanky . . I give 4/5 =]
Its a good map the only thing is theres nothing really new here it looks like alot of other maps but still it looks good. Maybe next time try something different.
thats pretty cool but i agree not enough cover and not orginal design other than that its a pretty decent map, maybe some vehicles