MurderBlender v2.0

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Cosmic Rick, Jan 2, 2008.

  1. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    Here's MurderBlender v. 2.0, a map variant spawned of pure chaos. MurderBlender places you inside an enormous whirlwind of mayhem. Gravity lifts create a tornado effect, while increasingly deadly objects are introduced to the swirl. Staying near the ground can help you avoid getting mashed, but exposes you to the other players. Try to outlast the others! Version 2 features improved spawn point placement, on the advice of Furious D 18.

    I have to give a shout out to Catdaddycool, who made the basis for this map, Cyklonus. Essentially, I shortened the tower, put a roof on it, replaced some gravity lifts for extra air time, and arranged the objective points and item spawns (more grav lifts). It now can be played with any game type. Slayer's great. Oddball is fun with enough people. CTF and Assault are ridiculous, but may need some tweaking (above my skill level with forge). It's best to just try and outsurvive everyone in a match of king of the hill, though.

    Everybody enjoy this map, and if you have any comments, please feel free to leave them here.


    #1 Cosmic Rick, Jan 2, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 24, 2008
  2. TheYavimayan

    TheYavimayan Ancient
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    Re: MurderBlender: The Name Says it All

    No offense but it has been done, so many times. It is just like fishbowl but bigger...
  3. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    Re: MurderBlender

    Disagreed. The spinning concept is the same, but this map is actually useful for play, rather than just massing around. Plus, you're confined in the twister the whole time.
  4. gorebound

    gorebound Ancient
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    Re: MurderBlender

    Why should I download your version instead of e.g. fishbowl? Convince me :squirrel_blush:.
  5. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    Re: MurderBlender

    Well, it depends on what you're into. If you just want to mess around and watch things spin real fast, DL fishbowl. My map spawns you in the swirl (you can't get out) and can be used for pseudo-competitive games. Plus, you have the option of actually landing and trying to stay on the ground. This, of course, gives your opponents the option of throwing a grav lift at your feet and watching you get mashed by a dumpster. Fishbowl is fun to play WITH. MurderBlender is fun to play IN.

    Also, I think I set up the timed events nicely. 3 stacks of pallets get thrown into the fray at regular intervals, forklifts, spools, and dumpsters appear so that it's relatively easy to stay alive in the air early on and difficult later in the game. And a few fusion coil drops keep things interesting. I also suggest having everyone spawn with hammers so that you can knock away approaching dumpsters.
  6. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Re: MurderBlender

    Lol, nicely said.

    Rick, some people here value originality above all else, so they won't like this map. However, I for one am glad that you took an interesting concept and made a playable game out of it. Even our newest Guilder, rusty eagle, remade one of his own maps to make it better. But I don't remember anyone giving him a hard time for it, like they are to you.

    Anyway, I'm not big on casual, chaotic maps, but you make this map sound interesting. I wonder how an Oddball or Juggernaut game would be. I'll give this a download and check it out.

    EDIT: I like the map description about the margarita. Funny.
  7. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    Re: MurderBlender

    Thanks for the comments. I'm not worried about everyone giving me a hard time (I had no idea fishbowl existed when I made the map). I just wanted to make a crazy little map that would be fun to play on between grueling slayer and CTF games. And oddball and Juggernaut are pretty decent on this map once everyone gets used to the mechanics (Air time = low player kill risk, high dumpster kill risk / Ground time = high player kill risk, low dumpster kill risk). I still prefer just staying alive in King of the Hill, though. (The hill is the entire area.)
  8. ROC bioflame

    ROC bioflame Ancient
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    Re: MurderBlender

    Time to munch on some humans!
    :squirrel_jaffa: :squirrel_rant:
  9. gorebound

    gorebound Ancient
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    Re: MurderBlender

    I didn't mean to give you a hard time, I just wanted to know what differences were between your map and another. Sorry if it was percieved as me giving you a hard time.
  10. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    Re: MurderBlender

    I don't think Furious was talking about you, gorebound... you were being perfectly reasonable. I'm fine with it.
  11. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Re: MurderBlender

    Ok, as I may have said before I prefer competitive maps, but I enjoy taking little breaks and playing these casual maps too. I played a one on one game with my buddy here and we had a blast! I thought it was pretty fun, but my buddy would not stop laughing. Seriously, this map is a great way to take the edge off after losing at team slayer in matchmaking!

    After the first game of standard slayer, we did it with gravity hammers. Again, it was very fun. We also tried it with rockets, and my biggest worry was trying to shoot my buddy but having a dumpster fly in my face at the last second for a suicide. We tried it with grenade regeneration, but it didn't seem to make that much of a difference. There were quite a few splatters in our games, which is interesting because there are no vehicles on this map.

    If I made one suggestion about this map, it would be to have fewer objects flying around. But like I said earlier, I prefer standard games. I'm sure for the casual map community it is perfect like it is. I strongly recommend turning on the waypoints for all players, regardless of the game. Since everyone is flying around so fast, it's really easy to lose track of enemies. Waypoints would help solve that problem.

    Also, this map plays a little weird in one on one games because there are so few spawn points that you can camp the ground while the other player is respawning. Also, at the beginning of each game it seemed one player spawned right behind another player and got an instant assassination. Maybe point those starting points and respawn points away from each other.

    Finally, anyone who does not check out this map just because the idea has been done before is missing a very fun map.
  12. TrueDarkFusion

    TrueDarkFusion Ancient
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    Re: MurderBlender

    Seems interesting, but I am wondering. Does the "blender effect" of all the spinning objects lag or decrease the quality of the game?
  13. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    Re: MurderBlender

    It doesn't have any noticeable lag effects when you play on the same Xbox. As far as XBL gameplay goes, I don't know... I have a good connection, as do most of my friends and haven't noticed any bad lagging. I assume there might be some problems for people with sub-optimal connection speeds, though.
  14. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Re: MurderBlender

    There was no noticeable lag in my one on one games over XBL. I'd like to play this again with 3-4 people.
  15. gorebound

    gorebound Ancient
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    Hit me up with a friendrequest and I'll join in. You guys talking about the map got me interested :).
  16. ShadowSnip3r RC

    ShadowSnip3r RC Ancient
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    I have seen this before but the title got me interested. An even more fun version I played, the players spawned in the empty fish bowl, and the ceiling was covered in pallets. Then a variety of things crashed through the pallets unexpectedly. It was really cool, and played in rounds.
  17. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    That does sound fun... I might have to make a more sophisticated version of this map with more scripted stuff now that I'm better with forge.
  18. x blade x68

    x blade x68 Ancient
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    I still dont know how to do that
  19. xl_H2_Noob_lx

    xl_H2_Noob_lx Ancient
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    The map looks interesting. It's good to see something like the fishbowl in a playable/competitive format. I'll give it a dl, and try it out next time I'm on.
  20. MaskedMuffin12

    MaskedMuffin12 Ancient
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    Looks awesome from the picture, I'm gonna go give it a shot right now.

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