^My favorite. cuz its so true. See I used to be semi-emo. And i got out of it. And i realize that i had no reason to be depressed. i just wanted people to feel sorry for me. But it doesn't work too well. so really emo kids are just ppl who have to get over themselves and realize that the way to win ppl over isn't for them to feel sorry for you... you gotta actually take time to do stuff. so pretty much i don't like emo kids, because they just want people to feel sorry for them. and that's just stupid. So i can't wait till they illegalize it everywhere. (won't happen in america until america goes communist, a movement lead by Nemi <-which i support). as for goths... i dislike them. their music, their look, their everything. but since they're not menstrating all over me like an emo kid idc as much. still bothersome, not as bad. if you have a problem with anything i just said there, you really need to learn how to understand what an opinion is.
Life has a shock waiting for the emo kids that don't kill themselves. College will be fun for them if they don't wake up. Their first professional job will be worse. And god help them if they ever manage to have kids of their own. It's Russia, how the hell would it affect you? Do you plan on going to Russia some day? You have nothing to worry about. Aussie government only copies western Europe and the States legislature. Only thing you'd have to worry about is if you're gay... ...Oh
I'm moving to Russia! Things are looking bright there now that the law makes everybody have to be happy! They gave new meaning to the quote "Why so serious?" and made it the law. I wounder how they'll punish unhappy people though? Give them cookies filled with LSD? Just a thought.