The Neon Highway created by goldman 010 Layout: fly down the starting ramp onto the unfinished highway then you will have to jump over the highway and go back under it and start over. pics starting ramp first turn highway overview highway jump landing and U-turn last turn Download Neon Highway here Download RACETRACKS here
Looks like a cool/ fun racetrack 5/5 at first i thought it would be lame frome the second pic but then i looked up on the second pic and the was a interlocked turn good job. Keep Forging!
Whoa.....Great interlocking! this is like one of the coolest racing maps ive seen so far... you basicly cant fall off! this is BEYOND the basics...
i think this looks awesome, wide track, cool turns, nice interlocking, i would download, but im full, hopefully i can get back at this. mits a five outta five from me bro, keep up the good work.
Thats some really great interlocking you got there! This looks like a very fun racetrack I love how its mostly in the air so its like a sky track. Nice job definately worth a DL!
Seems like a good map, you got the picture part right and all. Still, maybe a tad bit more info would help you out here, like, how many people is it compatible with, how do you score, maybe tell if it has an anti cheating device, little tid bits like that. That should get you a bit more attention there good sir.
Wow another track by you they keep getting a lil better each time, there are a few spots that could use some fixing up but other than that pretty good
nice map very good layout. It is a very straight forward map and has good interlocking of objects. I will give it a 4/5