Description Another Tower of power map is here. A three story tower with an armory,turret defenses, and a sniper room. This is a King of the Hill map, with the hill's location on the top floor. Both teams start very relative to each other, and it's mostly about making a dash for the tower! Base Map: Foundry WeaponsList: There is at least one of every weapon and two Warthog guass's that spawn except for a rocket launcher and a machine gun turret Gametype: • : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Basic traits: 100%gravity, 100%speed, primaryweapon shotgun, secondary weapon battle rifle. Game goes to 150 with 5 rounds. Overview 3rd Floor Hill Room 2nd Floor Turret defense 1st Floor Armory Download Tower Power v1 Download Tower Raid (game type)
looks really small should make the hill move between all the floors so players wont just be in one spot if not done already. you should do it in v2!
i think once you get to the armory your set, so whoever spawns the closest is prob gonna win. camping could be really easy, and more coevr could be used. I'm assuming you rated your own map, cas your a five out of five? dont do that bro.
The armory is way to overstoked you could hold off an army from all that. You need think this out better because the attacking team is never getting in that tower with all those weapons in it. 2/5 Needs alot of work on balance.
yah one big mistake a dreded armory ........yah always brings maps down but looks good other wise 3/5
look pretty cool but, dont put armorys, this makes it hard for the other team to win. and can also mean camping
Looks pretty good! Like the idea of the first post were the Hill moves between floors! Otherwise, can't wate to try it out with you, oh wate! Ha, I already did!