& it can now be confirmed that the Human Immunodeficiency Virus, commonly known as HIV, has contracted Amy Winehouse. Sources close to HIV say that the virus has been inconsolable since it received the diagnosis last Friday. “This is something that you think only happens to other diseases: Gonorrhea, HPV, maybe Herpes,” the grief stricken virus said. “I just never thought it could happen to me.” Although HIV has long been aware of the risks associated with exploiting human behaviors such as intravenous drug use and unprotected anal sex, nothing could have prepared it for the stigma associated with contracting Amy Winehouse. “What am I going to tell my family?” said HIV. “I mean, Scott Weiland? Sure. George Michael? Absolutely! But Amy ****ing Winehouse? Game over, man!” There is no known cure for Amy Winehouse.
I lub you...moar and moar each dai... where'd you find that at anyways? seriously that was very funny...Onion maybe?
My god, I am soooooo glad I'm not single any more. I'd pray for slow death by shark attack rather than contracting Amy Winehouse. BTW - Is that a cheeto in her mouth or some sort of detached, diseased ****?
Someone once told me she was a crack *****, and I laughed. A few days later I realized it was true. I laughed some more.
ha ha ha ha. lawl. contracting Amy Winehouse is probably about as fun as licking a 9 volt battery. but worse. more like licking a dephibulator... or however you spell it. you might as well jump off a freaking cliff now. no way in hell i'm taking chances with that going around the block.