Hello everyone, a few days ago I found this strange lump on the back of my neck well I in the shower doing sit-ups (Don't ask lol) so as I was pulling up the lump began to sting very viciously like some kind of ''nipple twister'' I got ready and forgot about it until that night where there was blood on my pillow I was like wtf! I asked my mum she said its a 'skin flap' what the **** is a skin flap!LOL so, I ignored the pain and the bleeding until half an hour ago I was boosting my friend up in team doubles, I never recognised although I twisted the lump it eased out and I felt thread getting pulled out !! IT WAS THE ****ING LEGS IT WAS STILLALIVE AND MOVING ABOUT MY BED, I TOOK A ****ING PANIC ATTACK I'm a clean person, my room is tidy... I have no idea how I got this thing. I just thought I should share this cruesome story my neck is swollen like hell. Steve xxxx
Just be glad you didnt get paralysed. Some ticks when they bite you in the neck, have the power to make certain parts of your body paralysed due to some toxin in there mouths or something. Lucky you :]
Ticks have got to be the most disgusting bugs around. I got 2 one day when I was golfing. Luckily they hadn't gotten as far in as they did to you. They hang around in trees and stuff so if you went to a forest or something lately that's probably where it came from.
If you didn't know what a Tick was like me, click here. That is creepy. I find myself touching the back of my head now, searching for ticks. UGH!!!! Edit: Oh, I know what a tick is.... Cause I'm Brazilian, and I didn't know the translation to it in Portuguese, but now I do. Don't worry, I'm fluent in English, if you ever want to play with me. lol
ohh my goood i got the hebby jeebies :[ some similar but not that bad happened to me though. igot out of the shower and went in my room and i looked in my mirror and kinda rubbed my tummy, or stretched or something of that sort, and i saw a black thing on my stomach n the mirror. my first thought was like a piece of plastic or something. still looking in the mirror (haven't looked down yet) i pulled it off but it didn't come off easy, so that split second i though oh a sticker lol. then i look at it in my fingers and it ****ing had legs so i kinda screamed and dropped it then started looking at where it was on my stomach. it was a tiny bit red. then i was like oh ****, i should kill it or something, so i look for it on the carpet and squish it with something. it was a tick D; but yeah i was really freaked out for the longest time. :/
I've only ever had two tics. Both of them have been near the groin region - the joint where your legs are. Not ON the pen0r. Mine weren't as nearly as bad as that. I've heard when you get a tic, don't pull it out otherwise the legs stay in - get metho, rub it over the tic THEN pull it out after 4-5 minutes. The metho kills it. (Apparently) I feel for my friends brother though, he's a tic MAGNET. He ventured through the forest once, when he came home he had 400+ tics. One side of his leg was covered and they were all over him; EVERYWHERE, except for his face. They had a jar and about 1cm high was just a pool of tics.'Twoulda sucked hardcore.
oh that just reminded me of the first time i was ever introduced to ticks. my dad lived in big bear and i went up to visit him and he bought be brand new white furry gloves cause it was snowey so we went to explose and hit some golf balls at the little river thing behind his house. then when we got home i looked at my gloved and they were all red. im like, "whys it all red dad?" and he said it was from all the ticks i squished while moving the tree branches and suck. i threw my gloves away lol :[
I would flip if I had a tick on me, but heres a tip, DON'T take the tick off by pulling his body. If you take it off by pulling the body, you are most likely going to rip it off its head, leaving you vulnerable to infection!
I ****ing hate tics. Little bastards. Luckily I've never had any. They carry diseases and are parasitic.
They are pretty annoying. I have had 2-3 in my life which is pretty lucky for me. My mom is a gardener and she got lyme from a tic twice. You really have to be careful if you live near woods or plants.
I thought you had to put some smoke on it, or sumthing for it to die... Off Topic lol of the day: I live in Big Bear's Big Blue house!
I pulled mine out and it retracted its self but, I was pulling at it and alsough squeezin it when I thought it was a skin flap! those things can seriously take a beating!
Wow, do you know how long they live for on a constant blood supplie because, I think I had mine for over a week ? Well thanks to someone on this thread that link showed me which one I had I'm sure its the deer tick
Whoa that's rank. I don't think we have tics in New Zealand.. And if we do.. I don't think they're very common. Lucky for me huh?
From my rather extensive track record with tics I can say safely, that you probably ripped his body off with the head still attached. That said, it is infected and you could possibly have lime disease (most likely not). If it is still ulcerating I recommend seeking medical attention.
whoa, that really creepy, I get so freaked when I see any bugs on me other than flys an ants. Yuk, ugh. I just shuddered. I've never come across a tic, perhaps cause I'm aussie. but I hope to never see one.
I went out and played paintball at Nitro(for those of you who live in Georgia) and when I got home, I found a tick in my hair and othe places *cough* Uncomfortable *cough*