i would be cool if it was a timed map like after 3 minutes the place exploded but any way looks good i might download
Map This is the type of maps i like. I love the descriptions of wat you are suppose to do and also wat is going on in the pic. I will dl it 4 sure.
grr... as mayor of forge lol i would like some one to tell me how to open the door please... im guessing you have to block the teleporter but for some reason it doesnt work. how do i do it please??
Looks great! I like the idea of having to finish this puzzle in a certain amount of time! 5/5 stars! Umm.... just played this and I'm sorry to say, but I got out of the map. I got stuck at the end and didn't know how to get the Mancannons to work, so I experimented with that first part with the Dumpsters ontop of the Crates, and well got past those and out of the map from there... anyway you can make a V2 to prevent this from happening?
sloppy needs more interlocking (JK LOL) pretty nice map 5/5 i like how you made the screens so it doesnt reveal anything
the story is great and the map looks well thought out. and no im not going to suggest you fix it up a little bit. i think the somewhat sloppyness of it goes along with the story. im giving it a DL and a try. ill edit this post if i beat it! editkay so i didnt beat it....
looks awesome. I love escape and puzzle maps. I want to make an escape map now... Are you going to make a multiplayer version? the first person to escape wins?(while leaving the most dead bodies behind, of course.)
Oh crap, I compleatly forgot to reinforce that! Thanks, but I'm not making a V2, I'm trying to compleate another puzzle map.
it doesent look like a puzzle at all because you dont have to do anything except walk and keep walking
Here is a better puzzle map. You should use it for reference. You'll learn a lot from it. Good try though. Here is the link Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
i mean its nice and all but its nothing special the first obstacle looks interesting and i am curious as how that door does open but the rest just seems like breaking through things, which is not a puzzle 3/5 EDIT: wow way to recommend your own map as the best puzzle map evaaaa that criticism sucks btw, how about you say something beside look at how good my map is and try to learn from it
Yeh that criticism sucked. I played this, and it was pretty cool. It isn't a HARD puzzle map, but very aesthetically pleasing... And very fun to play. I would give it a good review. It feels like you want people to complete it, and made it not too hard. It's good, and it has a nice story to it.
I just finished playing it and i thought it was quite short and easy (i think i finished it in 5 minutes). i wouldnt call the second challenge a challenge but if it went nicely with the storyline it was ok. also i wouldnt call this map aesthetically pleasing like the person above but the items had their purposes. the switches were cool but overall i would give this map a 6/10 could use work but i bet if make another puzzle map it would be alot better.
Yes it is easy and short, but I thought it looked like what it was meant to look like and had a good storyline.
I'm not here to burst your bubble, this is neat, but not difficult or good enough to be considered a true puzzle map under standards. View my or Buddha Cranes maps for ideas as to how Puzzle Maps should be made. Or (not trying to spam) join the Saw Forgers on Bungie.net where we help you make better puzzles.