i play the cello... maybe that helps me be good at GH :squirrel_rocking: i tried playing it at the apple store and my brother said i drew a crowd lol. it's not that good on mac cuz it lags a little and the notes are blurry
Well I can beat it on Hard, I can beat basically everything else on expert except for about 4 songs. But props to ya man.
Ive seen someone beat it on Expert before in real life... the only part he had trouble with was the beginning also... the rest of it was like nothing to him, at the end he even switched his hand over to play from the top of the frets and was still nailing all the notes... it was nuts.
Yup.. cannot stand the bridge for Before I Forget and also cannot do the solo for either raining blood or one. :squirrel_evil:
uh...a little into this game i take it...? btw i heard that to get those first notes u hold ur hands backwards kinda so their both facing down and u hold green, then just tap the notes as they come across...im gonna try it....