i put ranch on my pizzas... i used to have chocolate and marshmellows in my pankacks... i liked it. it tased like a s'mor! i can't think of any others but i know that i eat funny food combos so i'll have more l8r
While the few things I'm about to list aren't too weird....everyone here should try them. 1. Rice Crispies cereal on a PB&J sandwich....rediculously good. 2. French fries on a Chiacgo style hot dog. (If you don't know what goes on a Chicago style hot dog, pm me and I shall inform you of its greatness) 3. Ranch dressing on a pepperoni pizza, or dipping pizza in ranch dressing. I love eating fries from Wendys with a chocolate Frosty....good stuff. More to come as I think of them.
I don't think that it would go very well on chocolate. Anyway, my wierdest combination is a Sprite-soaked marshmellow. Put the marshmellow in, let it sit for a little bit... I don't do that now, though.