I'm posting a Remake Contest, I'm still working on this, but I'm gonna try to see what other people can come up with. People might do it, people might not. Alright. Obviously, Bungie is making remakes. Obviously, we have a few good remakes here. But I feel that none of Bungie's Remakes, or our own, give a Halo 2 feel. Part of that is the Game, part of it is the Forger, part of it is the fact that nobody posts a Halo 2 Game Variant with their remakes. Anyway, I'm gonna start working on a map pack of Halo 2 Remakes, regardless if the map has been done or not already, it'll be a bit different. I dunno for sure yet, but Some ideas for maps to remake are: Desolation, Turf, Warlock, Foundation. Anyone have any other suggestions that could be doable? Not all the maps will be exact copies, but I will try to make them resemble Halo 2 maps as much as possible. Other than the layout, I'm gonna try to limit grenades more than other maps, because I feel there was less Grenades spamming in Halo 2. I'll also try to add more Duel-Wields, because nobody does that anymore. I'll have a game variant, as similar to H2 as possible, though some things, such as beat downs, cannot be fixed. _______________________ Anyone have thoughts or suggestions on this? Don't tell me to not make this, because I'm gonna try no matter what. If it turns out good, I'll post it. If not, I'll update this thread saying I failed. lulz.
Hey there i like the idea and i hope you make a good job of it. I have played halo 2 once for like two seconds but can't remember anything so im buying halo 2 in a couple of days so i could rate your maps. I don't know halo two maps but what about falling off the edge of the level or being killed by guardians. I have already seen one halo 2 remake of Turf and i didn look quite impressive but i don't know if it was a good job of a replica. If you need any help send a friend request to "gone comando" or "HLG Velocity" im good at forging but i might not be on that much my girlfriend's really reduced my playing time from non-stop to about an hour
You know, I actually enjoyed playing Halo 2's maps more for some reason. They just seemed "better". Anyway good luck to you and hopefully you meet your deadline with success. If you need any help, I have two Xboxes, so I could always load up the map you are looking for and help you transfer it over. Send a message to sucktude on Live. I almost always on, except for when I am not, and I don't matchmake anymore (at least ranked anyway).
Headlong was such a good map back in H2 So was Coagulation, but I don't think we could remake either of them with forge...
Try beaver creek. To start though I'd do elongation, Aside from the conveyer belt it should be the easiest.
Actually, I can say with a lot of experience, its not as easy as it looks. Of all of the remakes of Elongation, all seem to blow. Good efforts, but not enough wow factor. And they are surprisingly untidy..... Getting the center bridges right, getting it perfectly symmetrical, balance issues (shotgun in FFA), not to mention all of the geomerging and interlocking. I don't know about you, maybe I'm just a newbie, but that was one hell of a task to undertake when I made Elongation. In my opinion, Longest would be easier: None of those "where are the conveyor belts?" statements. Hate those.mg:
I really want to see a floating Acension remake. Obviously considering the size this would be difficult but I always thought this would be neat. BTW: not being a Necroposter, just bringing life and motion back to this thread.