Yeah, I want to learn tele-writing for my future maps and for a predator map I am working on right now. I know what to do simply, but I am still confused about tipping the teleporter at an angle. Can someone give me a full description on how to do it? I really have trouble with it. Someone did show me it before, but I still didn't understand it. Can someone either show me or give me a really good description on how to do it?
Put a wall or barrier up so you know exactly were the box that the teleporter you are interlocking with ends. Put dumptures down and put a fence wall on top of them (under where the teleporter is going to go. The fence wall will keep the teleporter straight. Interlock the teleporter perfectly with end of the wall or box you are interlocking with. You don't need to keep the teleporter on an angle. DownLoad Pallet Parade or Reflex to observe. Hope this helps! If it doesn't you can send me a friend request my gamertag is GD BlueDevil. I will show you instead of telling you.