What would you change about Forge?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Hiney Sneeze, Jan 28, 2008.

  1. Hiney Sneeze

    Hiney Sneeze Ancient
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    I was thinking about this last night as I tried to get two walls to line up and I came up with a short list. Please add your own ideas to this list. I'd love to see what others think.

    I would love to see some type of "magnetic catch" on the edges and corners of walls and large boxes. This would make it hella easy to line up boxes and walls as the magnetic catches would simply snap together when they get close. It would be equally sweet if the mangetic property could be turned off if the user didn't want is to be active. When space is at a minimum it isn't always easy to use a box as a guide for lining up walls and such.

    I'd also love to see downloadable item packs for Forge; such as:
    -- inanimate vehicle models,
    -- miscellaneous road signs,
    -- foliage,
    -- boxes and crates of differente sizes,
    -- smooth walls, etc.

    Any ideas?
  2. RockinPunk

    RockinPunk Ancient
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    Foliage would certainly be cool, I'd like to be able to add bodies of water. But the thing that really pisses me off is the way Bungie decided what you can or can't place.
  3. Hiney Sneeze

    Hiney Sneeze Ancient
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    I might be totally blowing smoke, but I think a lot of what Bungie gives us will be limited to how the items react within the physics engine, alongside the fact that if everyone doesn't have the items used to create a board there would be conflicts with people trying to join matches that they cannot load.

    I'd also like to see a Forge Matchmaking option. That way I would be able to search and join forge matches.
  4. kayaman132

    kayaman132 Ancient
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    wheather control would be nice,
    and time of day control.

    i want a dark and stormy night on last resort.
  5. Hiney Sneeze

    Hiney Sneeze Ancient
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    ProtoFury mentioned something in the FH Shoutbox that I would be an awesome addition to Forge...

    An Undo option.
  6. Draxfear

    Draxfear Ancient
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    Completely turn off physics whicle in Monitor Mode, So, boxes won't go haywire when you move the joystick, u won't get pushed up by grav lifts or man cannons, and you could place objects very persicely.
  7. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    ~Moved to FD
  8. CalassaNui47

    CalassaNui47 Ancient
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    Control of light and the loss of restrictions of scenery would be nice. Maybe making maps from pictures. :squirrel_evil:
  9. JediWithASniper

    JediWithASniper Ancient
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    I like the idea of having the magnetic ends for walls and corners, but I think it would be good to have an option for that where when you have an object selected, you hit x, and the option for each individual item is there, that way you can have some items unaffected by the option.

    One thing that would be nice is if you're building a map where you want all the walls to be perfectly symmetrical, but also lined up with the walls of the map you're on, a "snap to grid" option would be sweet.

    - Color options on objects such as walls, boxes, and the like. (not available on every item of course)

    - Adjustable lighting for each area of the map, kind of where you cycle through a list of each area on the map, and then just adjust the brightness on that area with a slider bar or something.

    - Ability to place lights where you want them. (only if you can adjust level brightness)

    -Adjustable sizes on objects, where you can basically choose to resize the object from it's option menu, and then drag it with your joysticks in any direction you want until it is the size you want. Objects would remain with their same basic shape, but imagine, one resized wall to block any area completely. (not available on every item of course)

    -An anchor ability for any object you want, so that if you want it to be immoveable, you just hit x, and select yes on anchor object. (not available on every item of course)

    -A real indestructible feature, just like the anchor, so that you don't have to have the object destroyed all the time. (not available on every item of course)

    -Longer wait times for an item to spawn into a game.

    -A disappear feature, that is modeled exactly like the spawn timer feature, so that you could actually have items that are on the map at the beginning, but that disappear after set amounts of time.

    -It would be nice to have some U-shaped, and Box-shaped walls, that way you don't have to use those open boxes unless you want to, plus it would make wall alignment way easier for tunnels, drops, and the like.

    -Doors that can be opened with a button.

    -Ladders, like from the first halo. (they didn't completely eliminate ladders in the future y'know)

    I think that's about all I can think of now, except for one we won't get until we get new systems out, or a new halo game, and that is water, you can fill up containers, have waterfalls, yeah, I know it's a lot to ask for, but man it would be cool to have a bunch of zombies on a map with the lights turned low, and waist high water everywhere... pum, pum, pum...
  10. MagicalMonkey93

    MagicalMonkey93 Ancient
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    More items and more options in general like a "delete all objects on map" or a "stacking items"
  11. Grif

    Grif Na'vi Tits
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    I would also like to control the weather, light, and other things. I wish that there was a real map editor that you could use on your PC or an edit kind of like the Sims. It would be awesome if Bungie had a contest for 3 maps to be made and then the best 3 would be downloadable. If you ever played a PC version of Halo, you could build new maps. And there were people who made all new vehicles.

    I can wait for Halo 3 Vista: The Forger's Dream (That would be an awesome name.)
  12. TheYavimayan

    TheYavimayan Ancient
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    I would like different skins for the maps. A delete all items would be amazing. And finally forge glue!
  13. Hiney Sneeze

    Hiney Sneeze Ancient
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    @ Yavimayan

    Forge Glue? :squirrel_wtf:
  14. sniper of war

    sniper of war Ancient
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    ok heres my list
    1. make every object available.
    2. An infinite amount of items (not money)
    3. more money (not infinite)
    4. AI's?
    5. Modify objects and start with a blank map(something like foundry but with no boundries)
    those are the things i would like to see happen but will never.
  15. KillaBeau

    KillaBeau Ancient
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    the dissapear would be PERFECT. there have been so many maps i've worked on where i want a weapon to spawn then dissapear later, or a room blocked by a wall or something, but after 3 minutes (something like that) the wall disappears so you can go in the room. i'd LOVE IT. if bungie can make a spawn not at beginning of round, why couldn't they make a disappear after a while??

    and ladders would be awesome, cuz stairs are so BIG (ladders could be in small spaces) and grav lifts/man cannons just don't do it for me...
  16. TheBEAST205

    TheBEAST205 Ancient
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    They actually started using grav lifts in Halo 2 instead of ladders because it make the gameplay much more smooth. Take Warlock for example, on the Halo 1 version, you'd have to climb a ladder to get to the next level which would require you to do the whole "face the ladder and look up" drill which could really prohibit the flow of the game.
  17. Hiney Sneeze

    Hiney Sneeze Ancient
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    When you grab an object that has already been placed it moves flies toward the monitor. Objects should stay where they are until I move them, even if I grab them as monitor.

    Very, very annoying.
  18. JoshJiggler

    JoshJiggler Ancient
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    AMEN! That's really one of my number one complaints. I grab an object to try and tweek it's position just a hair (because I'm a frakin' perfectionist) and it flies halfway across the map, knocking five other object out of their place in the process! Astronomically annoying.

    The other suggestions about lighting and color changes are brilliant. You could make a map look completely different with those abilities.
  19. JediWithASniper

    JediWithASniper Ancient
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    They actually started using grav lifts in Halo 2 instead of ladders because it make the gameplay much more smooth. Take Warlock for example, on the Halo 1 version, you'd have to climb a ladder to get to the next level which would require you to do the whole "face the ladder and look up" drill which could really prohibit the flow of the game.

    While I understand the reason for the grav lifts, there are times where I don't want to be shot 30 feet into the air. Sometimes, I just want to be able to climb onto the top of one box, with jumping, flying, grenade jumping, or man cannoning. It makes for a slightly annoying issue, if you want a stealthy type of game, then you have to jump to higher levels, and this grav lift noise echoes throughout the whole level.

    Ladders are good, grav lifts are good, but being limited to only one of them is not, it's frustrating.
  20. ShadowSnip3r RC

    ShadowSnip3r RC Ancient
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    Definently being able to forge a chain fed Barett .50 cal from COD4. Just kidding. Probably being able to change the weather or add more enviormental aspects such as trees and stuff, but that will never happen.

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