Death Match What happened first: The Mongolians reformed their tribe in the year 4008, having advanced weapons, they were able to wipe out other tribe, rising them to the top. This angered all of the remaining Native Americans as they had all of their hope of the other tribes saving them from the Mongols... Lost. They decided to fight back with the item they have that will help them... The Custom Powerup... Unfortunately, the Mongols needed more than what they had and they tried to fight back and the Natives tried aswell... The Rest Is Up To You... Red Team: Natives Blue Team: Mongols How to play: FIGHT! Picssssssss Base 2 (From outside): Box Match A: Box Match B: Hidden sniper: Download Links: Map: Click Here GameType: Click Here
Hey Cassius, i would like to download your map and have a look at it however i cannot find a download link in your thread. Also the post is not really up to the Forgehub standard. You may want to read this thread Posting Suggestions to get a better idea of how to display your map and give the Forgehub members the best possible showing of your map. If you would like any help with putting together a post for the map i would be happy to help out just send me a PM. To give you an idea of how you could put a map post together this is my map post Favela. Edit: Seems like we were a little fast jumping on the thread before you finished lol. Will download and have a look now I SeNTiNeL I
nice and neat map. It looks pretty darn fun to play but not the funniest. people would get bored after a while. 4/5
After downloading your map and having a quick Forgethrough this is what i picked up and is my opinion of the map. Firstly i would say that the map should be placed into mini games/casual maps section of Forgehub but this is a job for the moderators when they next look through the map section. As a concept for a map this looks like a "Mosh Pit" arena type of level pitting two teams in an all out slaughter which is always great fun. However there are a few things which would really help to make the whole experience more fun. Firstly when you enter one of the two arenas you are stuck there until you die i think it would really help to enable players to travel between the two arenas. Sticking with the theme of player movement. There is no problem in using teleporters to get the players into the arenas but both teams enter into each arena through the same teleporters. This i feel is the map biggest flaw and if you added more teleporters as entry points into the arena the map would instantly be much more fun and a lot better balanced. On a final note with the teleporters on the base of the teleporters is a yellow leg which sticks up slightly this leg is the way that players ill enter/exit the teleporter some of your teleporters are not correctly rotated and leave the player entering one arena backwards and entering the other facing a wall. This is easily corrected however. If left as it is the game potentially will just become one of mass assassinations and camping the teleporters. The construction of the level certainly serves its purpose and prevents people from escaping out of the level which is a big plus for the level. Players escaping these type of maps will ruin the game so well done on making it pretty much escape proof. Also the team spawn areas are both different and you did not just use the two offices on the default foundry this was a good decision as it makes the map a whole lot more interesting. One teams spawn appears to have had more effort put into it though. The man cannons and the four upright strairs do look nice though and are the maps best aesthetic feature. For your next map or if you decide to put more work into this one i would highly recommend you read the forging 101's from this website which can be found HERE Skills like interlocking really help make maps smoother stop gaps appearing between objects and will make the maps more aestheically pleasing. You have certainly got the basics of forging down but for your next map if you use some of the more advanced techniques from the forging 101's it will really help improve your skills as a forger and the quality of the maps you build. Good luck with any future maps. I SeNTiNeL I
Thanks for the feedback, Ill be working on a new map with the forging 101 tips in. Already started. ill post a brief description and the name later when I'm further into it.
nice map but work on the interlocking. also the teleporting is a little messed up so make shure people dont enter backwards. to do this look at the little light (yellow) on the teleporters, this indicates where the player will be facing when they come through. another idea to ignore using teleporters, is to make the bases elevated so you can jump down into the moshpit and you can choose what moshpit you want to enter. to make shure people cant just shoot from their base put those weird blue walk through walls in front of them (like you also have on snowbound). what might even be nice is having the 2 bases next to each other, with see-through walls so you can see how your enemys prepare. also try to make the story a little more exiteable. And dont place it in 4008, place it in a post-modern halo era (like 2567). for example you could say a cival war in the UN has broken out lead by the mongolians, because they thought the UN had aquired a secret weapon of mass destruction, which they where storing in a space vacility in mongolia (note that today mongolia is one of the leading countries for rocket launch pads, together with kazachstan).
this map is alright. but i think that if you put too many power weapons to close together, then people would just pick those up. i think this would be a cool Team Fiesta type map. that way, you have the same probability of getting a power weapon as anyone else. the power ups, also, are mabye too close to each other. the player who gets the OS can also easily get the AC, making it unfair for the team they are on, for they cant get the power ups. i dont know how the respawns are for the weapons and thing like that. but whatever. i'll give it a 3.75 out of 5.
i feel like you just took all the power weapons and put them in a room and then you teleport to an "arena" if you can call it that. Cool idea but, its unoriginal, no interlocking etc. sorry if it sounds harsh but i hope this helps you in the future
death matches arent a really good idea, its been done many times before. i suggest you use some other way of transporting them besides the teleporter, because the mpa has nothing really amazing in particular.
Great advice 'sentinal' and 'maarte2008', You've basically explained all of the main points. Also to add to this. Most people here at Forgehub hate armouries and usually think that they are bad ideas. I'm not saying you should stop using them completely but that you should not use them as often. Good luck with future maps
looks sort of boring i dont like how its just an empty open room where people are supose to fight. looks like it would be a big vulture game. no dl for me.