Full of suck and ignorance that you've so come to love of us. No, really.
I don't do the editing, Chris does. *Sadfaic* He did a bad job with this one, he missed a lot of funny moments with the hills themselves... on the first one, after a couple seconds, a turn and go "Push me, *****!". And that last one where flip, that really hurt, Charlie. "Full of suck and ignorance that you've so come to love of us. No, really."
It was still hilarious. Eye-face is a phrase I will be using for the rest of my life... Until Freedom Man IV. I loved the bloopers, and the laugh of the midget holding the camera at some points was funny too. It was a little kid, right?
Lol, t'was indeed a midget, I didn't notice his laughing all that much. And the bloopers were eh, more of a "Had to be there" sort of thing, really. And don't make me take a scooter to your face mouth, dude, don't make me.
lol. Another good Freedom Man production. "He'll call you back later. Freedom Man is very busy at the moment." I'm very busy. I'm looking at a tree." "Yes- he's very busy right now. No- No- I'm sorry, he'll call you back later." "When I feel like it." "When he feels like it." That part was funny. Yes, those aren't the actual quotes, but I don't care. I made them funnier. I'm like your editer or something. You should pay me.
Glad that I found this before it turned into a necro bump. I'm very upset you never showed this to me dom. >:| You should link this in your ****ing sig dood. That's right. I called you dood. =P I was quite pleased with this episode good sir. When I was watching it, it made me think of them videos that get like 10,000,000 views, that shouldn't have so many views...but get my point...
omg necro post lol jk that vid was a bit odd but i could see me and my friends do something like that