I'm new to the forums and I'm ready to join a fast growing community and start showing off some of my maps, commenting on others ( no bad maps yet ) and just all around having a good time. <-- btw nice smilies
Welcome to forgehub, they are indeed nice smilies. My fav: :joker: I reccommend reading the rules to posting maps and posting in general. I hope you have a good time, as a welcome gift please accept these balloons
especially when you're bored at like 4 in the morning. but i'm going to bed. welcome to FH, PM me if you have any questions.
Hahahaha Nice cyber balloons linubidix.... Welcome to ForgeHub though! If you need anything or have any questions about anything definetly PM me because I can help you a lot.... Anyways welcome and Happy Forging!
Wow i feel special because i have teh cyber balloons on my rolfcopter.... im sorry too much arby & chief i suppose...
kool well welcome to fh hope you like the community my gamer tag's are br0wniekilly0u (o's are zeros) BROWNIEkillYOU