Read the link below. Bungie is making a new ranking system and some of us will be striped of our overall rank in a certain playlists. You might be a recruit again in rockets, slayer, or whatever. The fact of the matter is, one playlist you might suck in, and some butt farts will think you suck in overall gameplay. The overall ranking system (the old one) reflected our skills in a better manner and fashion. Somebody tell me how to start a petition, because this is an outrage. The old does apply, but to not to all playlist simultaneously. Meaning you can be a recruit in slayer and be a captain in lone wolfs. : Inside Bungie : News *Moved to Halo Discussion* All talkings of Halo should be in Halo Discussion. Try to keep that in mind.
OMG, my rank!!![/sarcasm] TBH, I couldnt care less about rank. It doesnt reflect how good you are. Because most people boost to that level.
If you don't like it you clearly don't understand what it is, it is an add on extra content it takes nothing away it just adds more to the experience.
OMG I actually took the time to read it and that's bullshit man, I'm sticking to ShadowRun if that happens, I cba getting to General again.
Look closer at the ranking system and you will see that the old does apply, but to not to all playlist simultaneously. Which sucks in my opinion.
You will not be loosing your number rank. All that is happening is you are now going to have an EXP rank in each Playlist. Now, instead of having, say, a General in all playlists, each one has their own EXP rank. Your number rank is not going to be effected.
Kagemusha, get your brain out of you behind. I'm pointing out that the ranking system won't be factored on simultaneous playlist settings.
To be honest, I never had a problem with the original ranking system. That's because my rank didn't matter to me, because I mostly played Custom Games or Forge, and also Rank doesn't get you anything. So it didn't matter to me. But I like this new rank system though. Why? you may ask. Because it might get some little kids to stop bitching... And that's good enough for me.
My God you people are being stupid let put this straight for you. You will NOT loose your 50. Noobs will NOT be able to get 50 without earning it. you have absoulutly nothing to worry about. Dun wory guyz itz goin b k.
We know there is nothing to worry about. It's just the fact that our ranks won't be shown as just one rank. I personally don't like having a certain rank in a certain playlist. Some people suck at a certain playlist, but overall they are good at the game, but the rank in some playlist wont reflect that.
I'm sure on your service record it will still show your highest rank and exp rank. I don't see why it matters.