I am going to go with Stoj for this one. For some reason, the girl kind of blends with the background. I dont know how, but i just does. He also did a good job with the text. Its shine matches the sig.
I am gonna have to say that i like :MIKEY's: the best, i like his shadow effect on the entire photo, and it was his original sig, so its like he was the original "Women" sig maker lol
I like Cobra's. Its background looks very sharp to me. I know I sound like an idiot, but I stink at Photoshop. It's my opinion.
I think Lockdowns signature is the best.. it's simple and it catches the eye without screaming at it.
Oh right...my bad. I was new when Toochie had that signature....very sorry. Anyways I wish I could vote twice, I wanna vote for Zero's and Diz's >
Mikey, I think boobs is a VERY valid reason . Anyway, I vote for...mallet. All the others are great, but very similar. I like how the person is blended in with the cartoon building background.
I vote lockdownn cause that bottom left corner amazes me cause i use photoshop and it's so hard to make stuff like that look good
I vote Zerosun beacuse it looks really nice and i like how the everything just fits in together with the overall sig and and Azn girls for the win =D
Lone Deity he had a nice choice of colors and its really popped out. also Lone didnt make it too busy, just made it look really good.
I vote SuperGogeta. I think it has a nicely blended background and the colours work well with the image.
Albyhouse It really drew my eye when I looked at it. Simple, and he did a good job with all the colors.
I vote for Mallet, because I like the way the buildings are at angles, so the sig is more 3D than the other ones, and it looks sweet