Map Creation Thread

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Mr. Skittles, Jul 20, 2008.

  1. Mr. Skittles

    Mr. Skittles Ancient
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    Here is the perfect chance to show off your creatibility. Type down your idea for a map that you would love to have in Halo 3, but please keep on topic and be serious with your maps. It would be more helpful if you bolded and underlined your map's title, make it bigger than the rest, and perhaps put the short description common with maps. And probably the amount of players.

    Also, If you end up not having time to describe it all, make a short description of it,or just a name of what you want any map of yours to be named, and I shall gladly describe it to full extent. Ex. "The map is like a small, asymmetrical battlefield," or, "The map's name is Deadbolt." With both of those, I can make many map ideas for you.

    Here you go, a full informatinal map description made by my own brain :D It is named Slaughterfield.


    Iraq's Remnants reside here with the fullest intent of never being used again...8-16 players.

    Large, 8-16 player map, with flat ground, with one or two hills, each having an old, gnarled tree. On one end is an old abandoned air base, with hangars containing old, Iraqi War-Era Blackhawks and F-22's. None of these have any fuel residing in their empty fuel tanks, and cannot be driven.

    At one end of this air base is a tall tower that resembles a control tower for an Airport. This houses a Sniper Rifle. Warthogs and two Mongooses are housed at the other end in a garage, which has the team's spawn points and few weapons.

    At the other, far end of Slaughterfield, is a vast, underground bunker-shelter with four entrances. The top cannot be seen, it is covered with grass and bushes. An underground elevator lifts up the vehicles placed on it and opens onto the top.

    There are clusters of rocks placed over the map, providing cover. In the distance can be seen air-raids on towns seen miles away. On timed gametypes, one has the ability to see a nuclear launch appear on the horizon tha happens at the ten second mark. At this point sirens blare, and the sky turns deep red. The original sky's colour is a dark bluish-purple.

    On the far right side is a long, low, stone wall marking the barrier. This barrier cannot be glitched through or passed through. The map's height barrier is about 300 feet above (Sandtrap's height). One the left side (near the barrier but not next to) is the hulking husk of an old Iraqi War-Era tank, providing excellent cover.
    #1 Mr. Skittles, Jul 20, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2008
    Verno likes this.
  2. Andrew_b

    Andrew_b Ancient
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    Map Name: Long Run

    Its a long snowy canyon with the only protection being forerunner bases inside the cliffs. Inside the bases, are 4 warthog parking spots, and a room for the flag. To get out of the base with the warthog, You have to go through a vehicle teleporter. In the canyon, there is a ledge where you can snipe noobs from. The weather is bad, and cold. It's night. In the cliffs, are 2 easy-in easy-out (to stop someone from saying it later, "That's what she said") vehicle teleporters to the appropriate base.

    O SHI.

    It's Real!

    I would love to see how bungie would do this though.
  3. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Map Name: Brockovich

    It's a highway with an underground sewer system that is split into two separate sides. The bases are literally right next to each other, but the only way you can get to the other one is by getting out of the bases through the top and crossing the top level to get to the other side. There is an overpass in the middle that provides elevation for snipers, but with little cover. There are also holes in ground on either side that can be jumped into to easily get into the bases, or grav-lifted out of.

    O SHI.

    It's Real!

    I would love to see how Bungie would do this though.
  4. Mr. Skittles

    Mr. Skittles Ancient
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    Sorry, I just want to make another one, if that's OK with the people reading this.


    An indoor science lab is your playground. Use it to your advantage. 4-10 players.

    This is a definite favorite of mine. Each team (providing there are two) spawns in a glass-walled science lab. From red's spawn, there are two corridors. One leads to the Acid Pits: seven tubs of green-ish brown liquid that have glass covers on them. Three exits are in this room: The downstairs, leading to a hallway, the weapon's lab and the access platform. This is a little square of metal that moves upward like a gravity-lift to the next floor. That can be saved for later.

    The hallway is next, which leads to the hydroponics lab in an offshoot of the hallway, or leads straight to blue-team's spawn. The hydroponics lab is inescapable except for the entrance to the hallway. This room has rows of withered plants and a contsant fog that leaks from the bursted pipe overhead.

    From blue's spawn, you can enter the hallway, or travers the half-spiral ramp to the weapon's lab. There are tables and tables of half-assembled weaponry (not usable), that shows the hastiness of the lab's users' department. From here, you can enter the Acid Pits via a downward staircase, or go through the sliding door that leads to the level's masterpiece.

    The Nuclear Silo.

    From the entrance from the Weapon's Lab, you see a massive missile sitting stationary in front of you. From this position, you can move only left, around a circular platform, that leads to the access elevator's exit. There are no ralings, so if you happen to fall off this thin platform, you die. There is no other platform from the access elevator, nor is there any way to visit the missile.

    But there is the special effect. In a secret room accessed in the Hydroponics Lab (no hints), you can visit the Launch Room. This is a glass overlook of the Silo, and there is a panel, activated by using RB, that looses the missile. This missile is so large it takes 15 seconds to fully escape.

    Hope you liked it.
    #4 Mr. Skittles, Jul 20, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2008
  5. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    I like the idea behind this war, though, I just can't get into your walls of text very easily. Try paragraphs, they will keep attention of the readers.
  6. Mr. Skittles

    Mr. Skittles Ancient
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    Alright, will do. Do you have a map to share? Or a short description which I can generate?
  7. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    I don't think it was the paragraphing, you did a good job of that, I just can't keep my mind on this for some reason. I usually have no problem with reading/keeping my mind focused (lately). Though, when I read this, my mind goes astray.

    As for a map for me to post...

    Interior submarine tactic, covert style >:]

    You work out the rest...Thanks.
  8. Mr. Skittles

    Mr. Skittles Ancient
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    Sunken beneath the waves lies this vast complex of long ago... 6-12 players

    The main layout consists of two main "bunkers" at both ends, with hallways going oppostie drections and meeting up in a central area, which is flooded to the ankles with dark blue water.

    From Red's spawn, you can travrse one hallway which happened to be destroyed in an explosion long ago, and then later repaired, resulting in a block-off, and a side passage leading deeper down under the complex into the basement. Here, you can go two ways, up or left, which leads further to Blue. When going up, you exit out of a grate into the middle oom, which has three pillars of computer-wires and screens.

    When taking the other corridor from Red, you flawlessly meet at the middle area, which is as stated before flooded with water. A steady trickle flows from a cracked window to your right. Across the room, you can see the grate leading to the basement and the door turning into the corridor that eventually leads to...

    Blue's spawn. Here, you can go straight to the middle roomvia the hallway stated previously, or drop down a ripped open hole onto a crate and down to the basement hallways. These hallways are only two, each leading a different direction to the basement under Red. But it is very dark and flooded to the waist in the basement. Look out for crouchers unde the surface...

    Each hallway is a tube, and has evenly space circular windows that look out to the vast deep ocean, and occasionally you can see a fish or if you are lucky, a shark swim by. These windows are in no wa shhotable, and there is no glitching out. Forging is a limitation, as the ceiling is very low.

    How is that, Tex?
  9. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    That was excellent.

    I was reading and going along like "Where the **** are the fishies?!?!"

    Then at the end you finally added it in.

    I like how you include forge detail, and glitch possibilities.

    Even though, we all know we'd still get out ;D
  10. Mr. Skittles

    Mr. Skittles Ancient
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    Maybe... ;D So it was good? Awesome. Maybe tell peeps about it and I can make maps for them...
  11. SVD Zero

    SVD Zero Ancient
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    Description: Earth's last drive yard, it builds the fleets that protect us. 8-18 players.

    I know 18 players sounds unreasonable, but just bear with me.

    This map is not like any map you have ever seen before. It takes place above Earth, and there are two bases. One base is where all the supplies and items are processed before they go to the crew of the yard. The other base is like a large dock, where damaged ships go for repairs. The zero gravity would throw off even the toughest players, but fortunately, the station spins, creating artificial gravity.

    In between the two main bases is a small holdout bunker, when the station was overrun by the Covenant. Inside, there are grenades, a shotgun, and a jump-jet. The jump jet is like a set of epuipment, which allows the user to get to extremely far places, extremely fast. But beware, it is very loud and it will give away your position fairly easily, so don't use it when there are snipers lurking.

    And everything else is just like Valhalla, the weapon, the equipment, but not the vehicles. Because it is so big, Scorpions are standard issue, and they can cause some serious havoc. But lasers can easily take them out, so be careful. Also, the toned-down Hornet is available, for super epic pickups and deployments.
  12. Verno

    Verno Ancient
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    Thanks for making this thread, expect some ideas from me soon. +rep
  13. Mr. Skittles

    Mr. Skittles Ancient
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    Find solace here, or die trying. 7-14 players.

    Found in the half-burned down village of Cyrias, located far inland of the country of Somalia, this map has the same sort of feel as Ghost Town. There are a multitude of mud-dirt huts, ranging from big to small, that re spread haphazardly throughout the village, and 2 out of 3 are charred and smoldering as if someone had recently lit fire to them and put it out midway.

    Near the southern edge of the illage is a clump of trees that merge into the surrounding forest, but these are traversable. Located here is the spawn of Blue Team. Small barricades are placed around and inside this clump of trees, providing coer, and the team spawns next to a crashed helicopter that is no longer operational.

    Red team spawns at the other end of the village, opening out ont an open plain, on a small patch of asphalt holding a small, private jet, obviously closed off. A more modern, metal-built hut is at the end of the asphalt strip, which is where the team spawns.

    The terrain is uneven, medium-height yellowing grass. There are a multitude of hole that were blasted out of the ground by grenades or RPG's in a recent tussle that happened here. Two of these are deep enough to hide in, and contain the map's powerful weapons (these are not ery powerful in a way, just more powerful than the rest of the weapons placed (these holes are nowhere near each other)).

    The weaponry placed is classic (BR's galore and not many Covenant weapons). The forest base has a small stock of ammunition within the Helicopter Crash Site, and in the Metal Hut contains that team's ammo.
  14. Mortarion

    Mortarion Ancient

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    | Sub 7 |

    Sub 7
    is a small-medium sized symetrical arena map based focusing on FFA, 2v2/3v3 Team Slayer and King of the Hill. It's been the first map I've been able to sucessfully complete due to my short attention span and it utilizes the finest of interlocking and weapon placement.

    I wanted to create a map that could keep the players constantly havnig fun without being deadly intrecate with map geometry. Just on a quick note, with some feedback I will be creating a v2, and I know it's easy to get out of, that's why it's designed for KoTH mainly and slayer, but I will be setting it up for Conquest in v2.
  15. Mr. Skittles

    Mr. Skittles Ancient
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    Is that a request? If so, please say, so I can do it for you.
  16. attacaine

    attacaine Ancient
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    Map Name: Shafted

    A map with many tight, twisting corridor-like caves. There is a main, cylindrical, central shaft that would be flat and open, save for a large drill in the center to somewhat break up lines of sight. The cave system is mostly two stories, with multiple entrances to the shaft on the first floor. The second floor is just more space in which to fight. There is also a small tunnel up to a third floor, which is basically a small ledge with a sniper that overlooks part of the shaft.
  17. Mr. Moustache

    Mr. Moustache Ancient
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    4-12 Players

    Descrpition: A asymmetrical map, medium ranged, centered around an abandoned construction site. There are two main buildings, one half-completed structure, eg. with gaps in the walls and at least two floors. Across from it would be the other building, which would be a 'skeleton' structure, meaning it is in the early construction stages. For example, narrow beams, flimsy walkways and an important power weapon on top. Then there would be smaller scenery in between, such as trucks, barrels, etc. There would also be a shipping area..with stacked crates, pallets and a forklift.

    I'm currently trying to make this a reality, but like many things, easier said than done...
  18. stin10

    stin10 Ancient
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    simple enough, if you can swim in 2,000 pound armor.

    crisscross is a medium sized map, that focuses around a main bridge. 6-12

    imagine 2 small towns seperated by a lone bridge. now you have, crisscross, each team spawns on oposite sides of a bridge in a clearing among the forest. think about the bridge in the first campaign level.

    you can head underground where theres opposite snipes, like narrows, or go uptop, which provides a littles more cover. or maybe you'll grab the snipe, and head back to your base, to shoot across the other side. if your talented enough. there are some ways to get across the river without using the bridge. maybe rocks to jump on. a secret path behind a water fall. you imagine the rest for yourselves
    #18 stin10, Aug 2, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2008
  19. stin10

    stin10 Ancient
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    kinda sounds like headlong
  20. Mr. Moustache

    Mr. Moustache Ancient
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    Yeah, it would be similar. Much less open though, and a simpler layout.

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