hey i absolutly love vidoe games and want to program for them, parents don't approve, anyways does anyone know how or how to learn how to program??
C++ is the prominent language used in game programming. You can find tutorials online and there are also books you can get to help you learn.
I love video games but i would never make my own one .. It would take ages and won't turn out good ..
As FastForward said, C++ is the current highly-used programming language, from what I understand it is pretty easy to learn if you have the right materials (books, free tutorials)... I also see that C# is rising up as well due to the accessibility MS XNA has to offer game developers
what the hell did you just say?!?!?!?!!?!? i cant understand any of this thread,but ive always wanted to make a game... i heard something about a game designer thing for xbox but idk.
If you want to make a good game, I suggest not using a pre-made game developer. It's like getting a virus-maker off the internet and expecting it to work well. Basically, the program itself limits the end user. Just use C++, or even Javascript works wonders.
Actually, one of the requirements for bungie to be a programmer is to know the C++ programing language well. A simple way to begin is to use tutorials on the web. Another way to learn to program is take your TI-83 (or 84 or 89) calculator and learn how to make basic programs there. If you use forums, you actually know some HTML language like "[ i]" and so on.
Basic is not the same as C++. They are very different beasts. The same can be said for BBCode and HTML. Although learning them helps to give you the mentality, it won't teach you C++. I suggest just jumping right into C++.
I'd start with java or python their easier and java is cross platform because it compiles into bit code...which can be run on any computer operating system....Also NEVER buy a book that suck...Go to lynda.com for good tuts...or buy a book by them it comes with their video tuts
Yeah... you kind of need to learn about programming languages before you can think about making a game. Making a game is not easy. That's why game developers have teams of developers to make games. Obviously, if you really want to, you can, but learning will probably be long (and possibly difficult) and the programming itself tends to be tedious and monotinous. There is no quick fix to making a game. (and XNA is the game designer. It makes games for both Windows and Xbox, but playing XNA games on the Xbox costs 100$ a year)