I'm going to be making a new account on an EU PVE Server and see how fast I can get to level 70. My last record was 4 days 17 hours (I know) and I will just need somebody to play with, who will also get to 70 very easilly aswell. I have 2 level 70's and last time I only had help from a friend who was also leveling with me and he got his first 70. I'm going to be playing as a Pally, prot/holy spec, so you just make any account, preferably warlock/mage. Possible even rogue. So if you want to, and your from EU, send me a message or post on here. Thanks =]
Night elf druid, it was quite easy to be honest, you just don't loot, don't waste time, don't run around trees/rocks etc, don't find groups for quests. Just turn loads of quests in at once.
Oh a druid. Yeah, you can pretty much do everything by yourself with that one. Fastest char I ever got up to 70 was a Draenei Mage, in like 9 days. Also worthy of note, my first char took me a hilariously long time, 23 days. But that was because I was a noober and leveled a Warrior from 1-60 in Prot spec :lol:
Lol! Prot, I leveled as resto/balance, to prove a point lol I had help from my level 70 friend portaling me to cities when I needed to, and he also gave me water/food etc =] And the place for this one is still open if anyone's interested.
I used to play WoW, i was known on my realm for having a **** load of money, a trick is to use the auction house to your advantage, Buy low and sell when their high, i've gotten epic items for under a single gold on accident, and sold them for up to 75g, you just have to keep looking
Lol epics sell for way more than 75g. The best way to make money, is to monopolize the auction house, using silk for exampe, buy all the silk on the AH for about 50s each, then put it back on the auction house for about 75s per stack. It's a slow start but when it gets to work, it makes you tons of money.
Wont be able to play with you if you're from the USA Anyway my new realm is Darkspear EU, catch me on Greenmachine or Phurious