hey can someone help me with switches, i am workin on my new scarab n i decided it would be cool if i made a switch explode it. someone pls help meh i dont know anything bout switches other than elevators i need to know how to make a switch that will make fusion coils explode my Gamertags are: XxAbstainxX XxK1LL3R5K1LLxX
I will be glad to help you. In fact I have a whole map full of switches and I can show them to you. just send a friend request to COMMANDERMATT1 and be sure you tell who you are. If you send it soon I will be on to accept.
yes in fact all of mine in the past do.. im just making one that r better then the ones b4 that explodes by switch rather than killing yourself by punching a fusion coil n not gettin out in time.
Im just wondering do you still need help with that switch? And if you do then exactly what kind of switch? Is it just one that you need to blow up a fusion coil?