this is a medium size map humans start in two small rooms with no weapons in them and they have to make there way to the armory to get weapons they have two chooses 1.they go through the zombie spawn 2.they wait 180 seconds for the doors to open zombies stop the humans from geting to the armory the : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing the game : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing zombie spawn human spawn human spawn doors armory
It would be good if you added some descriptions in the pictures, the map looks okay, the idea though, is pretty awesome. And where does that door leads to?
hmm it seems like a fun map but the only thing that concerns me is that armory because everyone just camps in them and that sucks but otherwise great map, keep up the good work!
I want to know one thing, do the weapons respawn. If not then this map will be a camping map and no one likes that.
3/5 You have a good idea, but it seems too small from the pics. If you made the weapons not respawn I'd give you a better score, since armories and infection don't mix.
map looks prerttty well made, im not sure hopw big it is, and if i was a zombie (how many are there) and the people got to the armory fast, i might have to quit out because i get mad real quick with **** like that,
Interesting concept, but I personally hate infection maps with "armories" that just have all the power weapons in them. Also, you didn't give any pics of the actual map. 2/5