Post Your Own Icon (I'm at camp so I won't be able to but icons on the front page) Post your own icon, is where you post edited smilies and icons of the monitors, squirrels, or smilies. All smilies made will be edited into the original post and credit will be given to the person who made it, if the same person posts a lot, a section will be made on the original post of icons made by them. Official FH Icon's Note: I recommend downloading Firefox 3, just because it you can click view image on any picture and it'll take you to a page where you can copy and paste the url and embed it. But for everyone who's too lazy, I'll link all the icons to their pages. Except for the official FH smilies, which I have a link to above, because posting them here takes up too many of the pics allowed in one post. The two icons above are the basic squirrel and basic monitor, they are the building blocks of your icons, and are the most basic icons. How to Edit Icons First you need to download Gimp 2.4 ( GIMP Guide thanks to albyhouse). 1. Save the basic monitor or squirrel (shown above) and open it in GIMP. 2. Right-click the image and, scroll to view, then zoom, then zoom 16:1 (1600%). Your image should now be large enough to see the pixels. 3. In the GIMP toolbar, there should be a pencil icon, click on it. 4. In the toolbar you should now find a scale for the pencil that is at 1.00, change it's scale to 0.11 5. In the toolbar, four things up from where you changed the scale there should be 2 overlapping boxes, the bottom one white, the top one black; click on the black one and choose what color you want the pixel to be. 6. Click on the pixel you want to be that color, and it will change to that color. 7. Now edit whatever you want on the monitor or squirrel. This thread is still being made, and will have a guide to animating the icons soon. If someone has a better guide for editing icons, please let me know. I will add the already made custom icons from the 'new smilies' thread tomorrow. Once people start making icons javascript, skittlemeister, and I will begin a icon of the week contest. The next 5 posts have been reserved, because I will be putting all posted icons on the original post, and I am allowed only 20 images, so once 20 custom icons have been posted and added to first post, the next 20 will be on the second post. Gun Slinger by: IxGUNxSLINGERxI Asper by: IxGUNxSLINGERxI Mallet by: Mallet Rainbow (not Reynbow) by: Stoj Floating [SIZE=1]by: [URL=""]TurboGerbil[/URL][/SIZE] [COLOR=black][URL=""][IMG][/IMG][/URL] [SIZE=2][FONT=Arial Black]Incredible (Hulk?) [/FONT][/SIZE]by: [URL=""]RadiantRain[/URL][/COLOR]
Sounds cool. But hey my computer has a virus and the only program I can open is firefox so I',m goign to have to sit this out. =(.But sounds like alooooot of fun.
I've made one, did you want me to post it here, or PM it to you? EDIT: Nvm, I'll post it here. RAINBOWWW
My version of the Incredible Monitor That's mine. one question... How can I add the smiley into the whitebox.
If your talking about the Quick Reply box at the bottom of the page you have to type the code for it :<item name>: so Code: :tdf: = :tdf:
I like Mallet's the best. I'll add them to the front page once I'm at a computer with firefox. BTW, later I'm making an icon of the week thread and the theme this week is an icon based on your FH account, like gunslinger's and mallet's