After I saw the merging tutorial, I thought I had to try it out, make a map using merging. This is the fruit of my labor, Brawl V2. It is a symmmetrical map, separated into quadrants. The screen shot below is one from my first version of Brawl, not posted here. The rockets were in the center, but I replaced them with a Needler. Sorry for no new pics, I'm away from my Xbox right now, but in an hour or so, I'll have ones from V2. Please tell me what you think! time of post: 6:25 est. BTW this map is configured for all gametypes, but it is not recommended for all of them. Best team games: King of the Hill, Slayer, Neutral Flag, and Neutral Bomb. FFA gametypes: Slayer, Oddball, and King of the Hill. Two teleporters are behind the walls in case anyone gets past it. They actually play a role in Infection as ways for the Zombies to enter.
Wow this map actully looks like a really good hardcore slayer map, you might want to embed more pictures......
nice idea for a map! i like the interlocking and the gameplay. like Pro said: it is a good slayer map. you should make a little (just a little) more cover
Looks like a very plain map. I see these kinds of maps posted every day, but they mostly have good gameplay. Meh..3.5/5
If i was me, and I am, then I don't think I would like it. Sorry but me just don't like it cuse it's so simple.
maplooks pretty good, the wall corners are a little crooked, along with the door and the upper part of the map. the map looks good though, also, interlock all the bridges so it runs better.