I'm not sure if it had been already found yet but i found this very very weird thing about turning on and off man cannons using a Regenerator. But im not sure if it has been already found yet. VIDEO
Yeah its not overloading its like... uh.... you have a man cannon on the ground not like standing up or anything and the man cannon is touching a wall. from the other side of the wall you cant go up the man cannon but if you throw a regen it will make the man cannon work from the other side. but as soon as the regen breaks it stops working.
yeah i used it in one of my maze maps... but idk how the regen triggers a mancannon to work. i'll show it to you on xbl right now if you want?
Its a spawning one...I believe he saw it in a map that was posted a couple of days ago...it used this same technique. I have no clue on how it works though.
ok... its just a man cannon facing a wall. on the other side of the wall the man cannon cant do anything. but when you throw a regen by it, it suddenly works. idk what triggers it.
You could ask if anyone has a Video Card, and would be willing to ''youtube'' your video, so we don't have to go to Halo and see it. Plus, on Youtube, you could add those captions things that they added recently.
Ok i have a capture card and i can record it if you want... im not sure if i am the first to find this out or not.
It's been done. I'll explain. You put a grav lift so the lift part is through a wall, not interlocked though. Try jumping from the side you can only see the glow. Doesn't work right? Place a regenerator near it. Try jumping now. It works.
Oh, so basically you can use the Regerator as an elevator button I see now. That could still lead to some very interesting maps