Boulder Creek Battle Creek remake with an actual creek -Map and various game download links retired. Available by request (PM) Description: This is not exactly a remake, it's more like a loose interpritation of Battle/Beaver Creek. Any forged remake of H1/H2 map is obviously going to have to sacrifice certain things. Foundry is good for getting the architecture straight, but let's face it.... it's ugly. I went a differant route by sacrificed accurate architecture to make a version that captures the map better aesthetically. So yes, the bases are a joke. And yes, the arch and ramps on the sides are awkward. But overall, it accomplishes what I wanted it to. The mechanism I used to justify this is a technique I think I remember seeing in Forging 101, but it doesn't seem to be there anymore. Maybe I saw it somewhere else. It's the trick of using King of the Hill to limit the play area. It's slayer, but if you leave the play area, you get penalized to the tune of 2 points per second. Don't worry, there's plenty of room to play in (it's actually way bigger than Battle Creek) and there's plenty of warnings to keep you in bounds. Rocket Launcher Shotgun Sniper Rifle / Overshield Base 1 Base 2 -Map and various game download links retired. Available by request (PM)
Cools. Interesting trade off with aesthetics and playability. Sorry, though, I can't download. I have a really really tight map limit right now.
Interesting idea. Too bad you had to use the King of the Hill trick to limit the play area, that means no CTF or Assault or anything. But nice job.
Yeah, your right about that. If you want to play honor rules, the boundaries are marked with medical crates. And yes, the flag and bomb spawns are in the right place if you choose to do this.
That is the biggest hill i've every seen. Although you might want to consider people who don't care about the game and take a sniper to one of the bases and camping there.
Wow, a non- foundry remake of a map? looks cool and stuff but still seems open.... does everyone get pistol and smg starts? ill give a DL and try et out