this is my frigate it is a stinger class it has: 7 turrets medium size cargo bay with shield door to keep the air in on space flights 2 hornets sorry about the description i dont know what else to put : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
okay you need more of a description it is nice also a few more pics so a front pic of the ship but it does loook cool
the map looks really cool, great aesthenics, grab more pics though bro, sorry sexy dude, i posted like a second after you yours wasnt there, dint mean to spam.
Welcome to forgehub! Nice map and looks very cool and origonal! I am glad you know how to embed pics so your map is up to standards. By opening up multiple tabs you can embed more than 1 pic. Not sure if that was the problem but in case it was that is how you add more pics. Hope to see more from you in the future!
Look good, but you can't get the vehicles out of the bay, can you? Also, again, more pics and a description. 7/10
I'm loving the engines in the back! It looks great and i like the shape and the fact that it is floating .. More pics would be better .. Good Job! =]