Why hello there. I'm making this because I never made one of these introduction threads. Well I've been here since january 30 but I actually been here longer reading the forums before the Vb format but that is when I decided to join. I'm really active here but my post count does not show that and I don't care about it. In my opinion It does'nt matter because all you need to do is spam post to get too senior member or just member. Ok. Now It's on to me. Well I'm a 16 year old asian who lives in Memphis, Tenneessee and my gamertag is COMMANDERMATT1. But my forgehub username is caboose because when I joined a lot of my friends called me caboose because I sound like him. But now just recently my new name is now Homestar Runner because I sound more like him then anything. And if you ever meet me I like the name caboose and some other nicknames but just too many to name here. And for the people that have not meet me yet I don't have a speech impearant. The game I almost always play is Halo 3 and I love to forge and make maps but I can never forge alone because the sound of nothing is just to quite for me. I have'nt made a map in ages of a long time because im out of idea of a good map to make. But I will still give my honest opinion of a map. Thanks for reading and I hope to play with you all soon. All of the best. COOMANDERMATT1
Who iz you!? Lol, I think I started the whole 'Home star runner' nickname for you that one game along time ago.
You did. You were the first person that called me Homestar Runner. lol. we were playing on that Guy love map with snipers. lol
Hello, welcome to Forgehub, be sure to check out the....OH, its you! haha, my mistake. Wait, your AZN? I thought you were mexican...... Russian maybe, but Asian? 10 bucks says im shitting bricks right now ;D haha, jk. O/
I know i'm just so sexy. And i'm great how are you? What? lol. just kidding... Yes. i know... just for future reference, I'm part chinese, part vietnamese, and part thai. Thats everything thats im mixed with. lol. But I was born in america. I think thats the best thing I've heard all day... lol
Thanks for welcoming me all friends. Seeing how I asked you to come and welcome me here. Your all such a good friend. lol