Fire and Ice is a small assymetrical Foundry map i made using the money glitch. There is no substantial idea behind the building of this map i just wanted to make an FFA map. The map supports up to 6 people and quite obviously no less than 2... I spent around 8 hours on this and i hope you enjoy it. I cannot thank evan enough i used his guide to weapon placement, which can be found on the ForgeHub Forums, to set all the weapon spawn times & spawn points. Supported Gametypes FFA Slayer FFA OddBall FFA KOTH Weapons Battle Rifle-x2 30 sec Covenant Carbine-x1 45 sec Energy Sword-x1 150 sec Sniper Rifle-x1 150 sec SMG-x2 45 sec Plasma Rifle-x1 45 sec Spiker-x1 45 sec Plasma Pistol-x1 45 sec Magnum-x2 30 sec Grenades Plasma-x5 10 sec Spike-x5 10 sec Inceneraryx3 20 sec Equipment Regenerator-x1 60 sec Power Drainer-x1 60 sec Trip Mine-x1 60 sec Screenshots This is an overview from an angle of room 2 This is the central column structure in room 2 that alot of the fighting will occur around ( I do not know why this image is being wierd ) This is the 2 story corner building in room 2 This is the main catwalk in room 1 This is an overview of the sword spawn and the catwalk notice the arched bridge the sword is on. This is the secondary catwalk in room 2 This is the Trip Mine Spawn it is sorta difficult to see the trip mine it is towards the bottom middle of the screen Action Shots Ah the sword the most useful weapon on this map The best way to counter the sword = Distance between Mega Punch FTW???? All campers will be removed by force Thanks for looking at my map here is a link if you didnt figure out to click on the image at the top. DOWNLOAD
Very nice map! the interlocking is so nice and the map is smooth! the gameplay seems okay, but still...... 5/5!!!!!!
This map seems amazing! But... I'm not too much of a fan of the firebomb grenades oh well. But still 5/5!
nice map i like maps with a small area but extend up wards it gives the player a feeling of playing on a small map while infact there playing on a large map.
This would look OK if the word OK mean AWESOME!! Wow man you outdid yourself here. It is a little confusing, but the general aesthetic quality and playablity is superb. I would rate it a 4.5/5
Yea man Pretty Mega Map. . . Its a sure download. The thing that done it for me was that walkway with fence boxes as walls i think its the 6th Screen shot down. Its cool. One thing i've come to notice about some people in the community of ForgeHub (even tho i just join today) was the fact that when someone see's a good map they wont download it. There like "Oh yea man awesome idea, brilliant map just pure brilliance"...But Then they hit ya "No download for me!" and im like WTF! Surely not after you said that. And like "Uh huh Thats just happened" ... i just fall and cry. Then some pure simpleton will come along and say "Its a sure thing download" And its like a pick me up..its like i just popped a Tic Tac into my mouth But most of the ForgeHubbers Kick Arse (ass). Well Done, Broseth Eager...
pretty inovative and the uniqueness dserves a 4/5 but it is not good enough to rave about. tough luck kid.
Looks pretty good from what I can see. My content is bursting at the seams right now, so I can't give it a download and check it out first hand, so maybe a few overview shots? The pics you have don't leave me with a really good feel of how the map is laid out, and with myself and many others at the point where they have to be picky with what they download, a few shots of the layout could surely buy you a few more downloads :0)
wow, i had no idea how good of a forger you were since i havent seen any of your maps yet. this is definitely a surprise. i love the pillars you have with the shield doors and all the nice interlocking and geomerging you have. the layout looks pretty different than most maps and i think i see some multi level madness? anyway, I'll DL and take a forgethrough, but you gotta send me an inv when im on so i can play this with u.
I haven't seen a FFA map in this style before. To me it is meant to look messy, but in fact it is actually well structured and clean. I love the catwalks and that there is plenty of cover. Good choice of weapons and equipment too. 5/5 and I look forward to seeing more maps from you
Alright Creeping i will get some ore overview shots just for you , but they won't be up for some time because i am leaving in like 10 minutes.
daaarrrn you!!!!! i had the same idea to put lights in the "battery", but i guess ill just have to say its "inspired" by you then. but dont forget Chipinabox for the light in saphire, how this whole thing started.
Ah yes chipsinabox's saphire map was my inspiration i had just never seen someone use an overshield in that kind of thing so i did what any unique forger would do, just go for it!
heres a quick review, The first thing i noticed was the layout was crazy, and has some real cool designs in it. unfortunately some of the walls interlocking could use work, along with some floors. Geomerging is awesome, and this is a great map. 4.5/5
I figured someone would say something about the walls . It's k i need all the criticism i can get i want to be a great forger and it only comes with knowing what people do not like. If i make a version 2 i will for sure edit some of those walls.
For the Win... Looks neat, great aesthetics, but the map seems confusing. It looks like all the parts don't seem to match each other. Anyways great map and I hope the next one comes out better.