everyone, loves distortion, so why not take it to the extreme. i want to know if anyone wants to help me make an upside down map. it would be hard to make it playable but if we could, that would be awsome. thanks ahead.
i have actually thought about this alot and the only problem there would be is that on a map, there is usually nothing on the ceiling(if there is one) so it would basically be all wide open. but thats just my thoughts
I've also thought of this, and the idea just died. It most likely wouldn't be fun, and as zTo SoXFaN25 said, the ceiling is usually empty.
I don't think you quite get what we're saying here. Nothing is on the ceiling. If double walls were the ceiling, it'd still be empty. It would need more scenery, but then it wouldn't look upside down. :cry:
i don't see the trouble in it. you make a ceiling of double walls, and save and quit a bunch of stuff upside down on it
But since you are playing on the ceiling, there is no scenery where you are actually playing. It is basically just flat.
If you had the ceiling close enough to the ground to provide cover and whatnot, it could be an interesting idea. If nothing else, it would be kinda trippy. You would be almost forced to make a completely one-floor level though, unless you made some upside-down buildings or something you could jump into. THAT would be kinda cool.
noo, itd be boring, id be like playing on an empty foundry map. but if your going for aesthetic only, i could se how it would work, but its been done before, with the upside downdry.
As someone else mentioned, it might work if the ceiling was low enough, that some of the objects on the ground would provide cover. Otherwise, I think it would be pointless.
No, I'm saying stick the ceiling like a couple feet above the height of your Spartan (or Elite, if you roll monkey). Any scenery placed on the ceiling would hang down low enough to be used as cover. It could also be a huge upside-down building, where the ceiling doesn't necessarily have to be flat. You could platform up walls or structures to reach the "floor", and potentially find some cover or goodies up there. This could actually be a good idea if planned and built well, I see where he's going with this.
Someone has already made an upside down foundry. Quite a while ago. Search tool if you want to find it, you may have to lurk hard though.
I have been wondering about making something like this. I think that it could be possible. However, you would have to plan everything out as you would on a normal map, but in reverse. Also, the map would be a floating structure, so the ground would be your "ceiling" floating over (under?) your head. Imagine Blackout, but the top of the map is embedded an object that would be the ceiling. The rest of the map would use catwalks and such to get from place to place. Also, the inside structures are the rooms a normal map would have. Im probably not explaining it well, so I will try to show an example later when I can get on forge. For now, I leave you with the best picture I can to describe what Im trying to say: Another way to think about it is you have a bunch of treehouses and each is connected in some way. Now cut off the top of the trees at the level of the topmost treehouse and add a flat ceiling sitting on all the trees. ... I am terrible at explanations...
Distortion works because you can stand on walls, if you're on an upside down map you dont stand upside down.