Revitalized V1 By ClassicThunder Wall from Amp Description: This map is very roughly based upon The Pit. It is symmetrical with 2 bases and is relatively open with out the lines of sight being too large. From my testing its an okay slayer map but plays CTF very well. There are 2 versions. A MLG version and a Default. Weapons on default version: 2x Needlers 1x Shotgun 1x Oversield 1x Powerdrainer 2x Sniperifles 2x Maulers 2x Spike Nades 4x Brs 8x Frag Grenades 2x Carbines 2x ARs 2x Plasma Rifles Download: Revitalized and MLG Revitalized Bottom Center Top Center Sniper Tower A Side Base All comments and suggestions are welcome. Also hit me up if you are interested in testing.
this is a very nice and neat map! the interlocking is okay i guess and the gameplay is pretty darn good! 4/5 for little cover
This map would make a great team slayer map or even MLG. I can see how fun team doubles would be too great map 4.5/5
Cant tell much, theres a few pictures that show the bases but it looks pretty average, nothing extra special, but the interlocking is pretty good.
nice looking i am definitely going to download this, the boxes and walkways all look like it provides some interesting gameplay.
There is a lot more cover than there seems to be from the pictures. The only place this is pretty open is bottom A and B. Any where else and there is plenty of cover near by.
i agree i can not tell much from those pics and there isn't that many but from the looks it needs a bit more cover
awesome map 4/5. great interlocking, the map looks alot like a city with all th box's standing up and everything.