MURDERERS HALL Murderers Hall is an aggressive map for if you have a lot of friends. Set in foundry, this map is pretty big considering it takes up most of the space. (if not all of it) There are four sections. You either have to use a grav lift, or the bridges. (use bridges to stay away from combat) TO DOWNLOAD CLICK THIS LINK!! : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Pics! =P Towers Use Grav lift to get Fuel Rod Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4
okay this is how you post a pic properlly first take the pic on halo go to and try and find it then copy the URL A.K.A website or save the pic then go to ImageShack® - Image Hosting and browse for the pic or paste the URL in then host it a small pic will come up CLICK ON IT then a bigger one will appear copy that one and put it on the post also the people that said pics are not working tell him how to do it i did and it makes me feel so much better now also no more posts saying he needs to embedded his pics
I prefer's image hosting myself. NOW NOBODY ELSE POST ANYTHING ABOUT NOT BEING UP TO STANDARDS. -approved by Tex. Do it. and I'll infract you. -also approved by Tex.
Or what? You'll lock the thread? lol. Leave the moderating to the moderators please. They are good at their job and can handle it.