Created by LOstReasOn Supported Gametypes: Slayer, Team Slayer, Assault, CTF, Oddball Map Description I started out this map with the simple idea of having a wall bend inwards with an archway going coming out of the indenture. Obviously as you can see, it evolved into something quite different. ProVision is a completely symmetrical map that can be played just for fun, but also has a competitive edge. Almost every immovable object has been either merged, geomerged, or both. It's also great for sniping. Now I'll shutup and let the pictures do the talking for me. Oh, and this is my first map--enjoy. _________________________________________________ Map overview Another overview from the other side of red base. Red base Blue base Rockets Sniper View from mongoose spawn Closer view of one of the archways The bridge _________________________________________________ So that's the map! If you guys have any comments or suggestions PLEASE POST THEM: I can only make my maps better with your help. Also, I am willing to make a MLG version of ProVision if there is enough interest. Download ProVision
i don't really get this map. It kinds looks like you just threw stuff down then interlocking and geo-merged them. I am sorry, but this deserves a 2/5
From what I can see it looks very well made. Maybe where the mongooses are, interlock the boxes together for a small touch of aesthetics. That seems to grab some more downloads. I see you geomerged the fence boxes in front of each base also. It also looks like gameplay would be great. I give it a 4/5
Well, you interlocked a lot, but you didn't seem to have overall game play in mind. It would take too long to get all the way up to the corners of the map, and I don't necessarily think it would be all that great once you were up there.
I can't say much on gameplay cause I havn't played it...but otherwise...excellent aethsetics and overall image.
What!? How can you say that? Everything was well thought out and I thought it was a great concept. Why don't you explain a little more, because I, at the very least, thought this was above average. But yeah, thanks for absolutely destroying my confidence and my will to forge. I didn't just throw stuff down, I spent a long time on this map.
Actually, it doesn't take long at all to cross the map or to get to the second level. I also don't understand what you mean by corners of the map. It takes one jump to get there. Why don't you play the map first and then get back to me on that?
Aesthetics, like every1's already said, are great. It looks very fun, and Lost, most people on Forgehub won't actually play a map b4 they rate it, which is why U need good pics to get downloads. EDIT: W00T I'm a Guerilla now!
I completely disagree, the interlokcing is sick, along with the geomerging, and it looks well thought out, aesthenics are awesome and the back part with the sniper looks sweet, he put the stairs like that for aesthenics, i think the map is a 5/5, good job bro.
Yeah, I could have taken better pics, but I figured just a general overview would have been best for people to understand the map. I guess I'll just have to do better next time.
The interlocking is pretty good, along with your techniques, but i dont really get this map, theres mongooses 50 ft in the air. and your main bases look a bit small. but i do like your other structres quit a bit
Its looks awesome mate, havent downloaded it yet but judging by the pictures it look quite well made . . Its more of a local map or play one time map, not something that will be addictive, but still very creative . . i give 4 out of 5 =D Well done
I see your point, BUT I didn't want the main focus of the map on the bases. The mongooses are there for a reason--fun. Are you familiar with it?
I like this map very much it looks like it could play well i thought it was another MLG map i was going to cry but then i relized it wasn't so well done it is a really nice map good job
I think this map is rather nice looking. You clearly didn't throw stuff everywhere. You thought about it. However, to show how good gameplay is, I suggest to show some gameplay screenshots.