
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by EagerToWait, Aug 1, 2008.

  1. EagerToWait

    EagerToWait Ancient
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    What We Lost, To Gain Freedom

    By EagerToWait and DanNewlands

    The Only Supported GameTypes:
    Slayer (TeamSWAT...Yey)

    Me and Dan were always big time forgers and
    we wanted to create a map that was different
    So, i thought about how sometimes in foundry
    people make maps which are completly inclosed
    and quite small, almost giving you the feeling
    that you were in a totally different map not

    Well... we've taken this idea and adapted it.
    One day i thought why always foundry?
    So i asked Dan to help me make a map inside
    one of the Ghost Towns big rooms.

    With my new ideas and forging skills topped with
    his attention to detail and ingenuity, we were
    able to make a map that brings somerthing new
    to the forging community. Obviously it includes
    lots of interlocking and geomorphing (thats what we call it)...
    what kind of map would it be if we didn't.

    This is our first map post on ForgeHub...So be nice.
    Even tho we aint newcommers to the forging side
    of the game

    For those who like to read a BackStory here it is...

    In a small town East of Voi one Unsc souider
    makes his last stand by boarding up his refuge
    in and attemted to thwart the Covenants plan of
    total extermination. This base will stand indifinite
    as a remider of what we lost to gain freedom...


    Description? Pictures mate...
    Na but seriously (not so serious i get a knife in my mouth)
    We've set up the spawners so that defenders will start at top.
    Now they have easier access to Shotty and Launcher.
    While Attackets spawn on the opposite down below
    and high acrosss the walkway.
    Now they have easier access to Snipe,
    Mauler and Needler.
    So we tried to balence it out.

    Central view.
    The defenders will spawn at the top of the
    structure. The Fusion Coils along with
    bubble sheild have a high respawn time,
    because Fusions can really ruin a game
    if they keep spawning back to fast.

    Left Side View
    Bottom left i merged the open box into the
    beams of wood and stuck a mauler in there.
    With quite a high respawn time.

    Alternate Angle
    Again i geomerged the small box into the
    slanted ramp (bottom right) It also was a fitting
    place for the needler to go.

    Attackers Spawn
    Another view of the Attackers Spawn
    At the top left WatchTowerBase is where the Snipe Spawns
    Its the Highest place in the map making a great snipe position.
    Rocket Stairway
    This part of the map went through many
    I knew i wanted the Rocket there thats it,
    the rest was hard.
    The doors have a seam which you can
    fall through which is overlapped with
    a Sheild Door to stop Nade Spammers
    and down below is where the OverSheild spawn.
    Its probably the worst place on the map... =[
    Invis Spawn
    In that little annoying hole we put the
    Invis on high spawn time.
    With a little Shield Door so as to stop naders.
    I like to hine in the shadows waitng for
    Dan to get the invis...
    BOOM shotgun in your face... Dirty You.
    Sniper Ally
    At first this map didn't provide much cover
    and was like "those picky people over at FH aint gonna like this".
    So we added a ramp on its side as a wall/barrier cover thing.
    Na but serouisly (damn i gotta stop saying that,
    before i have a permanent smile)
    We love the Constructive criticism here.
    Light Jump
    I always say a smooth map is a good map.
    And me and dan were playing Slayer on Raiders
    the other day, if you want to get
    the Sniper you have to go all the way round =[
    So instead of wasting time forging something
    there to get up to the top and wasting
    precious time where we could be
    playing Team SWAT, I invented the light jump.
    Be sure to use it when playing.

    Download Map

    Yeah so... Download
    And comment and all that S...
  2. Cryptokid

    Cryptokid Ancient
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    Nice map but no dwnld from me i'm not a huge fan of ghost town maps but probs for a good first post 4/5
  3. EagerToWait

    EagerToWait Ancient
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    Yea i know i was the same... i thought Ghost Town Sucked Nut! But when i found all the cool forge items i thought differently . . . but thanks tho man
    #3 EagerToWait, Aug 1, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2008
  4. Bloumbas

    Bloumbas Ancient
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    I know this is a good map, but i really hate maps on ghost now( no offense bro) it does looks like it would run smooth, just not my type of map. God job hthough man, 4.5
  5. FreshCherry

    FreshCherry Ancient
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    Nice idea! i never would have thought of making it on ghost town! the gameplay seems pretty good and the neatness is also good
  6. SE7ENS1NS4M

    SE7ENS1NS4M Ancient
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    You realllyy changed this around i like how its just the section too not the whole map. I think that it'll make the gameplay a faster and more fun, i also like how you've added a balcony/second level. Good map 4/5
  7. LOL_drew_LOL

    LOL_drew_LOL Ancient
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    looks awesome
  8. EagerToWait

    EagerToWait Ancient
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    Thanks all- im actually posting this comment to see if my sig works that i made myself-Come on im new to this lol it better work this time tho
    Come on signature...
  9. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    I really like your idea you have for this map. But to be honest, I'll have to check it out before telling you what I think of it. ;)

    So with that, I'll download and check out your map and get back to you.
  10. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    to me, it doesn't look like much was changed, props for using a map noone wonders into much anymore, but the pallet they give you to work with on ghost town just looks like it was put there from bungie
  11. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    I really think you did a good job but because it's on ghost town, you always have to use parts of the map, which I PERSONALLY don't like. 9/10 for the work, but no download for me.
  12. nullstar

    nullstar Ancient
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    very nice, i always had trouble forging in ghost town because it was so small, 5/5
  13. EagerToWait

    EagerToWait Ancient
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    Sorry dude i cant really understand what you mean...

    Do you mean its just like another Bungie map?

    Thanks anyway lol i'll think about what you said...

    Yea Vopral Saint get back to me, on what you thought of it.

    Thanks to nulllstar and ZANDER1994 as they know how hard it is to make a half decent map on Ghost Town cos of all the Wreckage! lol Cheers
  14. DanNewlands

    DanNewlands Ancient
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    Hey its DanNewlands
    (Created Raiders map with EagerToWait)
    Just wanted to say hey to everyone and that to keep a look out for our next map. Its a sweetly awesome map, just keep an eye out on good old ForgeHub ! [= Happy Forging =]
    #14 DanNewlands, Aug 1, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2008
  15. Vodelhaus

    Vodelhaus Ancient
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    not going to lie to ya, this looks sick.
  16. EagerToWait

    EagerToWait Ancient
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    Sick in the good way or "Dude, you just threw up over my Xbox controller and this is the terrible map that the pile of puke made...
  17. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    So yeah, after looking around your map, I must say I was pretty pleased with what I saw. There were only a few things I'd have changed though. The main thing is the weapon system. (not necessarily the weapons themselves) ~Like with the rockets. Having them on a low respawn and having them have 1 extra clip on a small map... it kind of proves to be cheap. I'd say make it have zero clips and a 120 sec. respawn. The Sniper... same story, sort of. Get rid of 1 clip and keep the respawn rate it's on. The shotgun? It's fine. But as for placement... I think you should switch the rockets and the mauler. That way the sniper isn't as close to rockets and the shotgun isn't close to the mauler. Another thing I saw was that the Overshield wasn't on the same spawn time as the Active Camo. I'm not sure if that was intended... but it's always good to have them on the same spawn time. Speaking of the overshield... that whole area is rather, well, complicated to get in/out of. I'd at least git rid of the fence wall, that way you can flow in and out of it smoothly. (You can still keep the man cannon if you want, but it doesn't work all the time...) As for where the camo is, I like how you do have a floating shield door over it... camo + one way in only and you can't shoot through = major camping... You could also get the shotgun/mauler and camp it for a good period of time. I know it's a small map, and made mainly for FFA's, but if someone was to do a 1v1 (or even a 2v2) then that spot would be the main camping place. So, although a nice touch to the map, I would get rid of it. To remove the camping factor. I have yet to play any games on it, so I can't say much for the spawning system. But once I do, I'll get back to you on that part. ;) (Even though, I did look at it in forge, and thought it'd work alright)

    As it is now, I give it a 8/10.

    If you fix the weapons and remove the fence wall and shield door, and the spawns are good... then I give this map a 9.5/10. (1.5 more! =D)

    EDIT: Oh, I forgot... The needler should be set on either a 60 sec. respawn with 1 clip... or a 90 sec. respawn with 2 clips. (forgot about that one, sorry)
  18. EagerToWait

    EagerToWait Ancient
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    You know what Vorpal Saint, that review has helped me alot...
    I have taken all what you have said in consideration. And as soon as TestSite is out i will upgrade Raiders based on your Review...
    Dude since your such a good Tester/Reviewer do you wanna do a review on my new map? err its not up yet on my file share but i can Pm you when it is, then once you tested ill put it on ForgeHub... Thanks again
    If your two busy then dont worry mate.
  19. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    No problem. I'm glad to be of help.

    (About the your new map though, I'll send you a PM with more details)
  20. DanNewlands

    DanNewlands Ancient
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    Hey Vorpal Saint just a big thanks from me for checking out our map and reviewing it and stuff=] Have a good day mate=]

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