^-click to download Jambi-^ Here from the king's mountain view; here from a wild dream come true... player size depends on game type. Briefing: Jambi is a map made on Foundry. It takes up most of it too. If playing a team game the attackers start in the "back area" of the map, and the defedenrs start on the other side of the map. In FFA's each player will spawn in an area safe from attack... for a while. Name's Origin: I got the map name from a song by Tool. (my favorite band) ~Jambi is the 2nd song on their album 10,000 Days. (It also happens to be my second favorite song by them) Description: Jambi is an Asymmetrical map that has a multi-leveled defenders base, two side mini-bases, a center area, and a makeshift attackers base. The weapon and spawns are fairly equal, and the weapon system is set up a bit different in asmmyetrical/symmetrical games. Jambi took me about a whole month to plan, make, and test. I spent countless hours working things out and amping it. The minor layouts went through various changes, and the final version I must say makes the map very suitable. If you've ever looked at my map Ragnarok, then you'll notice the defenders base is very similar. Well, that's because I started this map using that map! In a way, Jambi is a amplified version of Ragnarok. A few things that I'd like to note before I bring up the pics and other items that'll be going over. I can not place anymore objects on this map. (so that means I can't add anymore cover if you think it's needed...) ...This map has two one way teleporter systems that are indicated using A signs and B signs. There are also a few features in here that are, in my opionion aesthethically pleasing. Ok, well, now onto the pics. Attackers Base. (B side) Attackers Base. (A side) The A-base. The B-base. (view 1) The B-base. (view 2) The center structure. The center area. The center area of the Defenders base. (inside) Another view of the Defenders base. (inside) Yet another view inside the Defenders base. And again... The outside area of the Defenders base (B-side) The outside area of the Defenders base (A-side) The platform above the A-base. The fence wall walkway linking the third level of the defenders base to the platform above the A-base. (This was heavily inspired by BlazeIsGod) As for the weapon/equipment on Jambi, here's a color coded list. Symmetrical Weapons are labeled in Red Asymmetrical Weapons are labeled in Blue Weapons that are in both are labeled in Black If a weapon has a * next to it, then that means I'll have a note about them after the list. Assault Rifle - 2 on map, 30 sec. respawn, and 2 extra clips. Battle Rifle - 6 on map, 45 sec. respawn, and 2 extra clips. Shotgun - 1 on map, 120 sec. respawn, and 1 extra clip. Snipe Rifle - 2 on map, 120 sec. respawn, and 1 extra clip. SMG - 2 on map, 30 sec. respawn, and 2 extra clips. Spiker - 4 on map, 20 sec. respawn, and 1 extra clip. Needler - 1 on map, 60 sec. respawn, and 1 extra clip. *Brute Shot - 2 on map... **Rocket Launcher - 2 on map, 150 sec. respawn, 0 extra clips. Carbine -3 on map, 45 sec. respawn, 2 extra clips. Mauler - 2 on map, 90 sec. respawn, 1 extra clip. ***Beam Rifle - 1 on map, 120 sec. respawn. Frag Grenade - 5 on map, 10 sec. respawn. Spike Grenade - 5 on map, 20 sec. respawn. Bubble Shield - 1 on map, 60 sec. respawn. Power Drainer - 1 on map, 60 sec. respawn. Regenerator - 1 on map, 60 sec. respawn. Overshield - 1 on map, 150 sec. respawn. Active Camo - 1 on map, 150 sec. respawn. *The Brute Shot's on Jambi are located in different areas. In fact, their's only one on the map at a time. In asymmetrical games it's located on the platform above A-base and in symmetrical games it's located on the B-base. The one at A-base has a 90 sec. respawn, and 2 extra clips. While the one at B-base has a 60 sec. respawn, and 1 extra clip. **The Rocket launcher is just located in different areas based on asymmetrical/symmetrical games. In symmetrical games its on the platform above the A-base and in asymmetrical games its on the B-base. ***The Beam Rifle replaces the attackers sniper rifle. (same place and everything) As for gametpyes... here's what can and can not be played. (Also recommended party sizes) * means I highly recommended it. *Team Slayer: 3v3 - 6v6 Multi-Team Slayer: 2v2v2v2 - 3v3v3v3 *FFA Slayer: 4 - 6 ~ *1-Flag: 3v3 - 6v6 Multi-Flag: 3v3 - 6v6 Assault: 3v3 - 6v6 *1-Bomb: 3v3 - 6v6 *Neutral Bomb: 3v3 - 6v6 *(Any) Territories variant: 3v3 - 6v6 (Any) King of the Hill variant: 3v3 - 4v4 or if FFA; 4 - 6 (Any) Oddball variant: 3v3 - 4v4 or if FFA; 4 - 6 VIP (some I don't recommended lol): 3v3 I don't know how Juggernaut would work, since I never really play... and as for Infection I couldn't put any more objects (starting points) on the map so if you do decide to play that on here, then I don't know where you'll spawn) So, in closing, I will like to thank JJ3672, xX5w33ny70ddXx, meGa Thumbsss, Nightfire33, and Murdock Sampson for helping me testing out all the flaws and make this map better. Thanks guys! =D And also, I hope you download and enjoy this map. =]
great job5/5 i will download it and tell you how i like it. btw the center structure looks really cool.
Cool, thanks man. =] Uh, thanks? I think. =D Thanks. I had something like it on a map I was working on (Lateralus) but the map got deleted some how and I lost it. (But not the design!) =]
great map, nice asethenics, i love the stair structure, gameplay looks like it will be okay, one thing i would do is take more time on the bases, add more cover, make us feel like this isnt on foundry
Hi. Hope you liked the sig me and boydy made for you. The map looks good and clean. I will download and try it out.
Cool board. I like the center. Considering the name... I have a board I called, "Eulogy" that I plan to post some day when I get around to doing all the picture stuff. Name sound familiar? Jambi is a rockin' name and Tool is my favorite also.
Basetacular! GJ, I see you put a lot of thought into weapon placement. I think I can assume that you've read a few guides =D
Thanks for the reply. I would add more cover but I can't place any more objects on the map. `Yes, I did. <.<` But yeah, thanks, and I hope you like actual game play. =] Thanks, I'm glad you like it. Haha, yes. <3 Good luck with your map as well. ~Cool, cool. Haha, to be honest, before testing the weapon layout wasn't all as good as it is now. (Before testing it was plain and dull and consisted mainly of BR's and Carbines. But afterwards I took some suggestions and made the current one. Also, I have never read a guide on weapon placement. On all the maps I make I place weapons base on how I think they'll make gameplay flow.
this looks filthy...and by filthy of course i mean awesome. I'm glad to see that you pretty much used the whole map, almost like Bungie's Foundy, but with a different feel. Seems solid i'll check it out!
Sorry for the short comment but I just posted a map and don't feel like typing much more. Anyway, looks like you fixed it up nicely since testing, and hopefully you deleted those respawn areas so players no longer spawn out of the map. It's good to see some well-made bigger maps on foundry, considering some of the best are so small and compact. I commend you on a job well done, 4.5/5.
Thanks. I'm glad you're going to check it out. =] It's alright. ~And yes, I did fix that spawning issues. (which was a weird issues in the first place) Yeah, I like making big and open maps. =)
Sick map man. It gives me the feeling of a vertical/ horizontal map instead of one or the other. Also good use of symmetry in weapon placement. In that way, in asymmetrical gametypes only one team will have the sniper and in symmetrical there can be a max of two, but then they can eliminate eachother and take the ammo. Clever... LOOKS LIKE A 5/5 but have to test it
Yes, yes, that's what I was aiming for with the weapon layout. Also, in asymmetrical games the defenders are closer to the shotgun. Also in asymmetrical games I moved the rockets because in the test run attackers could get it first everytime. Making it really easy to attack the defenders. Thanks for the rating and download. =)
So yea it looks nice ill have a look and ill come back and tell you what i think (you likewise with mine lol)
looks very good, not too open, not too cluttered, and your centerpiece is very unique, i have seen stairs before (obviously) but you made your into the most unique sculpture i have seen in a while
Hey Vorpal, nice to see you made some necessary improvements to the map. It looks great. I just hop right in to ratings: Map: The basic idea of the map is great. The defenders base is well constructed, but you still made plenty of cover for the attackers. The weapon set plays well also, and the center structure is a aesthetic touch that's actually necessary, to break the Line of Sight. The base isn't unbalanced because the many entrances, and also because this game plays 1-sided really well... and on that note, on to game play. Game: Even in the testing phase, this game had really good tests. It plays 1-sided and territories especially well. Not much more to say, other than its really good. Final Comments and Rating: Great, well-constructed map that plays one-sided really good. Nicely structured. 9/10
Surprised that nobody's pointed this out yet but the download link is broken. You have http// in there twice, fix the hyperlink.