that was ****ing epic right there! and i swear to god that little girl looks just like me when i was that right when it came on my heart kinda jumped a little cause she resembled me so much lol. and how she was acting, is exactly what i acted like when i got one haha. i was like OMG THAAAANK YOU!! and i think i banged on my box as well ^.^
Ahahahahahahahah. Drum solo? I never got a n64. Yay for PS2. xD At Timeframe :21 I think it is, you'll hear the mum say 'I think they're excited!'
Lol, that was so funny. I used to have an N64. It was really fun, but then I moved on to PS2 and then XBOX 360. I still think that Nintendo is great though. =)
I remember when I got my N64, I was like *happyface* "Thank you." Not, "I HAVE A-D-DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!"
Agreed. I was just showing Dylan what happens when you do what he says. That family doesn't look the wealthiest either.
OMFG, ****ing super epic win. I reacted in a simmilar fashion when I opend mine. Although not quite as histerical. What is this Xbox video you're talking about.
It was removed by someone (I wasn't told) so I'll PM it to you later on..I'm kinda busy now. (Mod/Admin PM if this will be disallowed)
Yes! I love this video. Best part is when he sounds like satan! I couldn't stop laughing at it.. Honestly.. I've probably watched this over 100 times since the first time I saw it like 2 years ago.. lol No Way!! That video was awesome! I love watching disappointed little kids.. makes me laugh.. lol
It was a joke, and if kids can't take jokes at that age.. Then there lives are going to be full of disappointments. Besides.. it still made me laugh.
The kid with the Xbox I would say is around his 7's, 8's? At that age you can't take jokes. Getting clothes in a 360 box IS heartless, like Linu said.
You guys need a sense of humor then, cause when I was 7 or 8 I could definitely take a joke. It's sad that kid these days expect everything they ask for to be given to them.. Sad I say.. getting clothes in a 360 box is hilarious, especially since you know they probably still got the kid his friggan xbox anyways.. they just wanted to see the look on his face when he opened it and it wasn't in there.. OH! and Stoj.. Try not to double post, You'll probably get an infraction if a moderator sees that, Just edit your post if you want to add something to it. Just thought I'd give you the heads up. :happy:
OMG I saw that I while ago and I thought it was the most hilarious video ever i laughed till i cried haha. My favorite parts are when he picks it up to show his mom and just screams then it goes slow-mo and at the end it go Nin ten do six ty YEARGH!! ahahahahhahahaha ****ing awesome
pshh there's a difference between senses of humor when your 7 and 30. the parents thought it was funny, but that kid seriously thought he got something he really wanted, only to open it to see clothes. i woulda been just as sad as he was, maybe even throw a tantrum