Treetop Manor Created by jng07 Supported Gametypes: Map allows all gametypes but Capture the flag, Oddball, and Infection are reccomended Map Description The map variant Treetop Manor is many things but perfect. It comprises of an entirely floating house that is in ruins, it has one way up for humans and more than two ways up if the gravity is reduced on your game. This map can play to peoples advantages and disadvantages, most weapons and equiptment is placed in the main entrance/gateway. There is a panic room but because of price cuts when the previous owner was rennovating there is an extra way in for zombies! I won't say where it is you'll just have to explore the map on your own. If you are playing alpha zombie I reccomend that you kill the first zombie as a team, or you are guarenteed to loose a team member to the infetious zombies. Also a good idea is to grab a shotgun and head for the panic room A.S.A.P. Beware the zombies can crawl around the sides of the walls and use the window frames to their advantage. I also reccomend that you keep away from the windows. If playing Infection I strongly reccomend that you use my mad zombie gametype because it has the settings set up for the zombies and humans to have a lot more fun and entertaining kills in the match. _________________________________________________ Main entrance accessable via deployable grav lift Entrance#2 !be carefull the side of the house is vulnerable to zombie attacks Panic room. accessable by turret behind fence fall in the main area of the house Budget cuts. take note that sections of the roof are just palleted up. The invisibility. if you are in the main part of the house i reccomend you take a leap of faith to the fence wall accross from you and hop into the box. (great place if you don't whant to be killed early in the game) Overview Treetop Manor _________________________________________________ Download Treetop manor Download Mad Zombie New upcoming release of Treetop Manor v2 WHATS NEW ~ More cover below ~ Has grown a tree ~ Extra entrance ~ More ground cover and defences ~ And new and exciting gameplay. WHATS BEEN REMOVED ~ Camping was a big problem in V1 but now there is less chances of it with an extra entrance and openings.
interesting, the astetics (i know i spelt it wrong) are pretty nice i like the windows. im woundering if it would really be a good infection map.
Hi. This maps seems quite fun and interesting. But i think you could have filled the floor aswell with things. Nice anyway.
I like the Manor but where's the tree!?!?! You should have forged a tree that had a secret grav-lift up into the manor. Also, what weapons are on your map? It looks SO open that a BR or Sniper would own the zombies before they arrive. Also, if there are only 2-3 entrances, this map seems very campable. Happy Forging! 3/5
this is a nice map but i agree i would add a little something on the floor so then you can play it more but it is a nice map
aesthenics looks fine, not sure how gameplay is, you know you can get out of those windows though right?
This looks cool i haven't seen many "floating" map on foundry, looks pretty fun i like the aethetics of it the most,though it looks kind of small, but i'll deffinately check it out
very nice idea, but you need to make it less sloppy. the gameplay seems okay, but needs more work. 3/5
I love the map lovely duvely doo doo dooo I love your poodeee dee daa I love your map lalalalalaa forgegasm
Good/Bad i think that its a good concept of a floating site but i think i should be touched up. 3.5/5
R.E treetop manor I have taken most comments into consideration and will be working on a V2 of treetop manor.
I know ive posted before but id also like to add: More stuff on the ground floor as it looks empty. also i dont think it will be good on Infection
I realise that you mustn't like the map much and I will try to correct the issues with this map in the version 2. All Comments previous will be ignored because the link to the map wasn't working so no-one could have played it. But now the Link does work so enjoy the map but please play it before commenting thank you. Hey found out second link didn't work so re-done it and it works fine now.