MLG DESTRUCTION! Created By: Alec944 This is my newest map, it is set up for MLG playing. I just learned how to geomerge properly, so you'll see a lot of geomerging in this map. It is all interlocked and geo merged for smooth gameplay. In some places on the map, you will see geomerged fence boxes filled with scenery. The fence boxes add a nice scenery look to the map with out effecting gameplay. The weapons on map are MLG weapons, however, there are a couple assault rifles for people who aren't skilled with the BR or Carbine. In this map, i tried to find the middle ground when it came to cover. I put enough cover to get a good foothold with, but there are also spaces between the cover. DOWNLOAD MAP Playable Gametypes: Team Slayer KOTH CTF Pictures: Blue Base One of the side areas/top is where teleporter goes to Center area. Open single box geomerged on side. On front and back, double boxes geomerged into floor. On top, open single box interlocked. On other side, geomerged fence box full of scenery. Side area. Geomerged and interlocked double and fence boxes. Fence box full of scenery Geomerged open single box Geomerged fence box with scenery Partial overview Well, there you go. Please comment and download.Download Map
i love the interlocking and the geo-merging, but i don't think that this is MLG. if you made it for regular CTF or team slayer, then it would be very fun! also you need more cover. 3/5
Not an mlg map if the assault rifle is in there, but the map itself is very nice and looks like it would be great for gameplay.
Not quite clean enough to be MLG. Just because some spots are geomerged doesn't make it an MLG map. Requires better placement of objects. It seems like you saw barriers on the list and said "Hmmm... I shall over-use this in spots that really don't need it." However, there are some constructions that took quite a bit of skill, or effort at least. Such as stacking the geomerged objects. All in all, this is a map with eye-candy. But not much else. Playability seems lacking. This has nothing to offer that hundreds of other maps don't already offer. I understand the restrictions of making and MLG map, but you need to put a tad bit more effort into being creative and over the top. Good day, sirz.
i actually think this map is awesome, slayer or mlg. The interlocking looks great, and geomerging is ill. i think its a 5/5
This map is adorable. It's very crisp with it's interlocking and geomerging. I like how you didn't overkill and geomerged only when it was necessary. The power-ups marking the bases is a nice aesthetic touch. The weapon placement doesn't look bad although i didnt fully look into it. It almost reminds me of ancient mayan ruins or something. I'd have to actually play it The only thing is either i'm retarded or you're missing teleporters because i can't figure out how to get to the top platforms... wait, found them. Perhaps make them more obvious? And also, the blue and red bases are a little blank and look like boxes that are just sitting there. This map is about a 4/5 from appearance. Very clean. It's subtle yet outstanding in appearance.
if their is an assult rifle, it doesn't count as MLG, and I personally won't DL due to the fact that MLG maps don't last long.
i like the map i would add more cover to this map cause it is hard to survive, but it is a nice map altogether
I like that it's geo-merged and symmetrical, because those are my usual preferences when looking at a map. I like how you added scenery, but scenery isn't usually a thing you add to an MLG map. this map was pretty well thought out and made... but like i said scenery isn't usually on the list of necessary things for MLG
Don't like MLG, but the map is nice. I like the bases, and the geomerging and fence boxes. Looks very clean. 7/10
ya well i couldn't be sure that everyone who was going to play on it would use an MLG gametype. If the do use an mlg gametype, then who cares, it's pointless. But if they don't, then someone can use it, getting rid of the radars for a little bit, giving it the feel of MLG. So, yeah, it is good for it to be there.
Well from the screenshots, I can already see that you didn't follow strictly MLG set-up rules. I see equipment/weapons like that radar jammer and assault rifle. I understand you're trying to make it fair for everyone but MLG honestly isn't fair to everyone haha. Also, I'm going to be honest and say that I don't like the random [looking] buildings. Try connecting them with bridges or wall pieces to give over-head control to the controling team. The interlocking looks good on any level and I'll it que and try it out later.
This is a nice looking map, but like most of the above people said, it isn't really MLG. The scenery is makes the map look nice, but isn't really neccessary. Also, I think the map needs more cover, because the BR is overpowered in such open spaces. And, instead of Spike grenades, I would suggest using Plasma grenades instead because the official MLG maps just use Frag and Plasma grendaes. 3/5, nice work. This map looks good for regular gametypes.
Thats kinda a dumb reason to rate it low. I would understand if you just thought the interlocking and overall design was bad, but just an AR? The whole idea was to have a MLG type map with mostly MLG weapons, but some normal weapons too. Here are my thoughts on MLG. Hardcore MLG players are too narrow minded. They believe that the BR is good and requires skill, but the AR doesn't. Well, if you don't use both, you suck. That's all there is to it. Someone who is good doesn't try to BR someone who is right next to them, they switch to the AR and spray them with bullets. What makes someone good is the ability to use both weapons at the right time. Most MLG people are too narrow minded. Oh, and to let everyone know, I do use the BR along with the AR. I don't suck with the BR, oh, and i'm a brigadier. I have a 45 in lone wolves, a 45 in team doubles, and a 42 in team slayer. So don't say " You can't haz teh BR because you r noob. I am BR 1337 player!" Oh, and i was on a MLG Doubles team, so, yeah. Well, there you go, those are my thoughts on MLG