downloadhere ok after my first post i wouldent blame you for not clicking this but i got every thing figured out... after the halo ring temperately fired off it destroid all life on this mountain. after the search for any life all they found were wolf caves thats how it got its name. hilly land scape, lots of interlocking and supports all game types. i used the unlimited money cheat. made by me wapproce.... mountain hills ally clif house overview
okayi am going to tell you how to embedded your pictures first you take the pics on halo then go to and find the pics then save the pic or copy the URL (website) then go to hear the website ImageShack® - Image Hosting and then browse for the pic or paste the URL in then click on host a picture will come up click on that to make it bigger then copy that bigger picture and edit the post and paste the pic then get praise for a good post to every one else no more comments till pics are up unless it is about the map
This map is really stunning for such a new member and the flow is pretty damn nice. 9.6/10. also as far as your post, just do what i did when i first started. bring up a post by a respected member of the site like Shock Theta or Ivory Snake and base your map post off of theirs until you get a feel for it then do your own thing
I know sexy dude has told you about embedding screenshots but they should really be a bigger size. To make them bigger click on the preview thumbnail first and THEN copy the URL EDIT: Sorry i'l post on the map now. From what I can see it's very aesthetic and a good size. Looks well made and has lot's of good features. I think the slanted pallet door is very good. 5/5
This looks like an absolutely fantastic map. I have always liked the idea of trenches and combined with the structeres and interlocking you have done, it looks great. You have embedde your pics but like many have said, they are a little to small and you just have to resize them (read the link in my sig). You've got my dl and a 5/5 too Hope you enjoy your stay at Forgehub and happy forging
This looks really good for a first post a few thoughts for your next map....First off I wouldn't use walls as much for hills they're hard to line up to get it smooth. Boxes work great...Anyways I am not going to download because there is nothing that really stands out all that much to me. I just don't have enough space. (also you should resize pics then post, maybe next time use photobucket instead of imageshack.. sorry looks like you are already going to resize lol
ok this may take a while cause some how i spelt my user name for photo bucket wrong with out realizing and its taking for ever for the e mail to tell me it
Try not to double post wapproce as it can cause Forgehub staff to give you infractions. I won't negative rep you because you're new... Can you beleive I got - repped by 'many popes' because I have an explanation asking for rep in my sig?