Download Map Gametypes=Slayer, Team Slayer, KOH, Territories, Oddball *****Real working compact weapon dispenser!***** This map is made with some ideas I had. One is the weapon dispenser. Its small and compact. Looks like a soda machine. You shoot the fusion coils and go up to it to find a weapon! Different weapons spawn at different times. There are two weapon dispensers! If you look up above you, you will see two cages accesible through teleport. This makes it fun for large matches where you need to look all around to see where your being shot at. You will notice there is open and closed areas. The open areas are for vehichles. Its alot of fun. In the back is a transporter from one back room to the other for quick travel. This level also has two three story buildings! Lots of weapons and fun to be had with this map.
Did you use any interlocking at all... seriosly I don't see too much and this map looks great. The map looks well balanced and just plain fun I'm DL great work!!!!
I dont get the weapon dispencer. It just looks like a box of fusion coils. I dont really see this being a truely competetive map, mainly because of the large amount of fusion coils and a man cannon tunnel. Otherwise, it looks alright. Layout seems nice, perhaps a bit too open. Construction seems fairly basic, a few areas look like they could've been done a bit better. The choice to have a ghost and a warthog right next to each other doesnt seem too great, or balanced. Some areas dont look like a lot of thought was put into their creation. Maybe you should add how the weapon dispencer works and possibly, add the weapon list as well, to the post.
I can tell you worked very hard on this map. I would suggest a little more interlocking in the places where it would help a bit. Like where the fence walls meet the double boxes. That would be simple enough to do for you.
Dont understand why not, but ok. Yes I interlocked quite a bit. Thanks. I hope so, I like being different. I did not think about the warthog and ghost, you are right. It has open space and closed spaces. Read my description it tells you how to use the dispencer. Just because its fun doesn't mean its not competitive. I did interlock the boxes with the fencewalls, thanks, I did work hard on this map.
The dispenser is where the fusion coils are. You shoot the fusion coils and go up to the bottom, and presto, a weapon!! I made some small changes to the weapon dispencer, I hope it works better. I mixed the weapons up better as well.