Map Title: Omgano OK theres alot of infection maps out there but most of them were done inside foundry so i decided to make one outside,and this is what i came up with. Download Map Omagano Download Gametype Infecto Description: This is a infection map when there are 2 zombies, there crazy for blood right? So what they do is go hunting for some brains. Basically a normal infection game. Pictures explain the rest. Game settings: Humans: -200% oversheilds no re-charge -smg weapon spawn -1 points per zombie kill -normal gravity and speed Zombies: -200% oversheilds no re-charge -2 points per human kill -Alpha Gets hammer and swords -reg-zombie gets only swords -75% speed 100% gravity The Pictures: This is the zombie spawn point, they are releaced 30 seconds into the game by a spawning man-cannon. In the back there is the human jail, they go there if they commit Suicide to get there sheilds back, then the zombie can consume there brains. This is the human spawn point, they spawn with a smg with limited ammo and to there right is a bunch of weapons to choose from(sorry no power weapons there ) that teleporter to the left goes outside. This is level 1 of Omagano This is level 3(sorry no pic of level 2 ) Final and last level #4 ,and rockets spawn there, only 2 bullets People love to camp there... They can get hammered from below... Camper Dead(fusion coils have 10 and 20 second spawn time watch out!) Please rate and download on THX
this is a nice map i like how you have really used the outside of foundry well i haven't seen that done before so well done and ha ha ha to the camper i hate campers also were the camper is is that the end cause it does look a bit short i would make a V2 and make it bigger
Wow this looks sick! I've never seen anybody use the outside of foundry that well. Great idea! The map also looks very good, I see you have attention to details. I would make more levels though. Maybe some room with two levels or something. To make it longer and more epic. Great idea though! You've earned an extra download and a map rated 5/5!
Wow! This is a great use of outer-foundry. It gives a really city feel to the map. I like what you have done in the inside too and the fusion coils falling give an element of suprise to the gameplay. I'm afraid I'm going to have to give you 5/5 already After you're example of how outer-foundry can be used, I think that many other people may start to use it as part of their maps.
Cool concept, for an infection map I'd give it a 4/5. Just wondering, is possible for humans to win, right? It's been done?
So that's the point of the tutorial that tells you how to get out of the map... Good job on using the outside of foundry. I like how all of the level is made of up narrow hallways. That's cool.
Yes The humans can definatly win they just gotta survive the 2:30 of mayhem that the Zombies are giving them. I survived a couple times
Very Very Creative, I always thought the outside was too small, but I guess not for you. Great Job 5/5.
Wow, you did got high outside Foundry! It's awesome how you Forged, because it's really hard to get objects there! Nice Forging dude, looks a bit campy,so maybe fix that with more Walls, that'd be awesome.
Well when i was makin this i died alot from going too far out or hitting myself with items that push me out, so it was really a challenge makin it outside.
You did a great job on this Chupa. I never seen a map where it was just focused on the outside part of foundry. 5/5 for originallity.
LOL i have never known that yoiu can make a entire map outside, ive been out there like twice by myself and you made a map out there. 5/5
well you just have to aim where there is enough space to have it spawn, it takes time but it works...