Map Name: PRESTIGEMAP DETAILS: This map is good for a few gametypes but they are not all updated yet (Check back in a few days the map will be updated). The best gametype is nades N spades (Link for Gametype Below) and slayer. Link for Nades N Spades : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing reason for making this map: I thought of this map after seeing Jedwali i wanted a map that was good for nades n spades and the side base/castle is perfect for that type of game. i also wanted a place where u could do other things like territories, capture the flag and assault and that is just about the only reason i made this map. CLICK LINK BELOW TO DOWNLOAD : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Prestige Blue Base Side castle Red base here is the link if u missed it at the top: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
not up too fogehub standards.... could someone help me please.... i don't have the standards hooked up.
ok, i didn't know how to do the pics at first either, so here is the simple way that i know how to do it. 1. Take pics in game of map 2. Open pics on 3. Right click pic, click save pic 4. Go to and make an account 5. Click upload files on your photobucket account 6. Browse through your pics and double click the one you want. 7. When uploaded, click the pic then copy the link that starts with 8. paste that here There you go, the super detailed simple way
Ok... now i can say that this map looks great. I like the use of columns instead of walls. IDK if it really belongs in aesthetics, but its a great looking map. 9/10.
Your map is not up to standards. Please click the link in my signature below. Nobody else post about this map not being up to standards from here.
Please whoever keeps sending me private messages saying that i need to learn interlocking just shut up i dont care there is plenty of that on my map. THANK YOU. CLICK HERE IF YOU ARE COOL Click here if your post isn't up to standards
wow the first nades 'n' spades map i have seen .. I love nades 'N' spades so i will download! Great job! =]
dude your map...... sucks it's so plain and looks like someone that just started forging would make. not for forge hub in other words