
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Jump4h, Jul 31, 2008.

  1. Jump4h

    Jump4h Ancient
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    Update 8/1/08 - there is added cover, respawns, fixed a few unnoticed mistakes, and made other slight improvements. don't play the old version, get the new one.
    Map: Grimoire
    DL link: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
    Suggested players: 6-10
    Supported gametypes: Team Slayer, CTF, King, Oddball

    Battle Rifle (several)
    Carbine (2)
    Sniper (2)
    Mauler (1)
    Rockets (1)
    Plasma & Frag grenades

    Mongoose (2)

    Description: A medium-large map built on foundry that occupies all of the floorspace except the back hallways. Grimoire is made for two-team games - either Slayer, CTF, King, or Oddball. This map is completely symmetrical and has a large variety of vertical terrain and ground cover/structures. There is a sniper located just outside each team's base on a two-level structure (I refer to them as "A-snipe" and "B-snipe" due to the signs on them). There is one mauler on the wall between the two bases. The rocket launcher is located in the upper back center of the main structure, equally accessable by both teams. The main structure (foward of players from their starting positions) is a viable and tactical area for both its height and since it is home to the rockets. Of course, it is balanced by each team having their own sniper rifle. This map is completely MLG compatible, so feel free to boot up some MLG TS v5 on it.

    On to the screenshots!

    A-side (base in back, "A-snipe" to left)

    B-side (base in back, "B-snipe" to right)

    A-Snipe (you can navigate behind it on the main floor and access the roof. B-snipe is identical)

    A-base (from the back. B-base is identical)

    Center Structure View 1 (from front)

    Center Structure View 2 (from bottom center, looking up & right)

    Center Structure View 3 (from above, looking through catwalk square. you can see the rockets in this picture)

    Center Structure View 4 (from above left side, looking across to right side)

    Center wall (Mauler visable)

    New cover piece (to replace the barriers w/ weapon holders)

    DL link: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
    #1 Jump4h, Jul 31, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2008
  2. stin10

    stin10 Ancient
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    seems well made, but nothing special. i can see that your really good at forge, but this map dosn't display your skills that well. 3.5/5
  3. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Wow nice map, looks like a fun map to play MLG on, great job 5/5
  4. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    Good map, erm... That's all I can say. I like the neatness... And it seems like a good competitve map.
  5. Orphanslayer92

    Orphanslayer92 Ancient
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    Very clean map, that is good. The layout is good and there is nice geomerging and interlocking. Only thing is that in the first four pics there seems to be a lack of cover.

    Senior Member

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    Nice looking map. The layout seems like it would flow well, and I commend you for the lack of cover on the upper levels, as players up there are already at a great advantage. However, on the flip side, a bit more cover on the ground floor could help balance the map out a bit more I feel. As the map is, a player with any kind of height advantage will dominate the entire field with a rifle. Cover on the lower levels will not only level the playing field a bit, but also protect some precious spawn points from being camped (I know I enjoy the comfort of having a fighting chance no matter where I spawn, as I'm sure you do as well). Perhaps some open boxes or wall roofing housing some of the lower sections? I feel as if this map would end up just being a struggle to higher ground, which ultimately makes for a bad overall player experience. Most of this is just speculation based upon previous experiences with many other maps (I haven't actually been in this one yet). Another minor suggestion would be to lose the weapon holders on top of the barriers. Were those just for aesthetic purposes? Even the rockets won't knock them out of place. A mongoose might be able to topple one over, but I'd like to think people wouldn't be so quick to drive straight into them. mongoose =/= batmobile (that'd be sweet tho lol). They are pretty unnecessary, and look a tad bit tacky. I really like the back area of the map though. It looks mildly inspired from Draw the Line's Gridlocked. And the bridges interlocked halfway up the double boxes near the default Foundry bases look cool, I could see some epic mini-battles carouseling around those, up and down and around. Anyway, overall you've done a good job it appears. Ill be lookin forward to seeing your future work
  7. Dunkeldragon15

    Dunkeldragon15 Ancient
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    This map could be better. As some other people said above me you have good forging skills you should put them to the test and make something really great. Make a v2 of this that is better or just make a whole new map. Either way I think you got some great skill. 3.5/5 remember could be better.
  8. Jump4h

    Jump4h Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ok, ive made some necessary updates and changed around some unnoticed mistakes
    reconsider the map, there are new screens up
    yeah, its not a huge change aesthetically, but its much better than it was before.

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