Well we are over due for another edition of Musings of the Truth. I thought for this week's article I would switch up the format and make this edition a Question and Answer. This is your opportunity guys. Post any question in this thread, and I will select a handful to answer for Sunday's edition of the Musings. It can be anything from a serious question regarding Forge Hub to something entirely random. I will try to answer as many questions as I can. Humor me people, but don't forget to include some legitimate questions! I am looking forward to this so maximum participation would be awesome. Ask away! :happy:
Double questions ftw. What maps do you like that have been created by other people in recent history? What do you like to see in a forge created map?
What was the thoughts you guys had when you first started ForgeHub? did you have any idea it would turn into something like this? And who are your favorite members?
I have got a question for you... What are your views on the maps being featured lately... do you think they are worthy? Another question... What do you think of the recent moderators that are being chosen to monitor the forums; do you think they are great additions or not?
What is your view on the recent downpour of insane spam entering the threads of maps? And what about your view on the way Forgehub's participants and their way of talking nowadays?
On a serious note, what new changes are you thinking about adding to the site? What is the ratio of a jack 'o lantern's circumference to it's diameter?? How many questions can I ask?!? Do you "liek"... talking muffins?
I can has recon? What is the hypotenuse of a moose? Have you ever fought someone on the wing of a 747? Have you ever fought using a hot-bean burrito as a weapon? Why?
Can I butter your muffin, Dan? Are you going to get wasted at college and be that one night mistake in some chick's life? Have you told your parents about your squirrel fetish? All jokes aside, do you want to expand the site in other genres or games especially if they have options for user created content?