The title says it all and I don't have the wallet to buy there any free programs I can download to use or am I out of luck?
I'm listening . . . Edit: I'm ashamed of myself... Edit: Edit: I take that back, I'm using GIMP 3rd Edit: I'm a coward lol
GIMP is one of the best programs out there and is easy to learn, and also rivals PS... i've been using it for like 2 days, here are sigs i've made:
I love GIMP! I prefer it to photoshop .. I tried photoshop and i think GIMP is better .. Its easier to learn and the sigs look good still ..
NOOO USE PS! search it in limewire or on the internet search for the trial version and an activation code generator then your off!
I'll try out GIMP, then I'll see if I should buy PS (or maybe mooch of a friend if there is one I know who has it) or stick to that The thing is that my dad is paranoid that anything I download will contain viruses, spyware, etc so it may be a while
GIMP is free, Photoshop is like 900 bucks. Photoshop > GIMP. IMO, GIMP sucks. The sigs made in it most of the time are mediocre unless you are liek teh uber proz at it.
Wow, that sucks. My dad doesn't know anything about a computer, lawlz. I pretty much control it. If you dad does eventually let you download something, download GIMP, it's free. My sig that I currently have is my first serious attempt to make a sig. It would probably have turned out better if the words were white.